I keep getting spider bites when I'm sleeping...

Feb 12, 2005 08:33

oooh! this episode had me so excited! I love the super trippy ones with the narcotics! wheee! sorry, now that I've got that out of my system...

-I loved Syd's "disguise" in this one..the hair was awesome, it was very vampirish which seemed to be a recurring theme in this epidode, or at least biting was.

-Syd and Vaughn playing hockey again...I've missed that, but the best one ever was Weiss and Vaughn "that's why people from the CIA don't marry people from the NSC, you don't poop where you sleep" anybody else remember that?

-The drawings in that closet...creepy! all the bloody emaciated "people" quite disturbed,I loved being scared by it, and the guy looked so demonic. And why weren't there any lightbulbs in the apartment?

-When Weiss came home with Nadia...awkward...

-Even though I'm really freaked out by spiders (who isn't?) i loved that she kept seeing them, especially the tarantula in her mug and then when she dropped it it spilled blood all over her, even though it was really tea. It reminded me of that dream episode when Syd was cutting the birtday cake and blood started to trickle out of it and she looked down again and it was that guy's hand that she was chopping off.

-Also a good hallucination was "the count" when she imagined him taking out the gun and saying "You've got it and now you're going to die to." and then slowly slipping it in to his mouth and pulling the trigger.

-ooh...when they were in the van and she was hallucinating about her dad saying he was going to kill her...what was with Jack's mouth...it was all wavery.

-If Jack hadn't taken the bullets out of the gun, Sydney would have shot Vaughn...it's not like she came to her senses and dropped the gun, she actually pulled the trigger.

-Didn't Syd bite Vaughn in their fight? So shouldn't he have it now? It was before she got the antidote.

-Something is going on with Sloane (obviously) I mean, of course sending Sydney back into the field was a tactical error *sigh* when are these guys going to learn? Still, I've never really liked Dixon so when he told Sloane off it wasn't quite as good as it could have been.

my only teeny complaint is that I wish they would go back to the running plots, i know it was bad for ratings but it was so much more interesting and convoluted.

For those of you who know about my essay predicament in English...I went and talked to my professor yesterday and he's letting me rewrite it for a different grade!!!! He said not to blab it around cuz he doesn't do it very often and i can't expect it on every paper, but yay! I didn't bring up the whole "please don't discuss religion thing" because things were going so well and he didn't mention anything so it didn't seem worth it to create problems that had been laid to rest...
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