B.C.C. is over for this quarter, now I just have a final on Wednesday that is going to kill me, the highest grade I can get in the class is a B+...oh well. I had a really stressful night at work last night, and I have to work again today. But hopefully I'll be going to the musical after that with Patrick and Nick.
The posse is in Paris again, this time to get a microchip, there is a man that tries to intercept the transaction, but Vaughn shoots him in the shoulder. He runs into the kitchen where is is cornered and points a knife at all of them saying "you won't get my family" and then slits his throat. Seriously, it was so gross. I closed my eyes but my dad had recorded it so I played it back and made myself watch it. It turns out the guy killed himself because his employer, the creepily sadistic Sasha Korjev, would kill his family if the CIA got ahold of him. The microchip contained the plans to build a biometric tracking killer helicopter (I know, it's awesome) It's kinda of like a heat-seeking missle that locks onto your DNA fingerprint or heartbeat. Jack requests to locate Korjev and Sloane obliges, taking Dixon off of the task. Apparently Jack has some unresolved issue with Korjev...my guess is that it has something possibly to do with Irina, and most definitely with SD-6.
Vaughn talks to Weiss who thinks that Vaughn's father isn't really alive, but he did find a contact that was mentioned in his father's journal, Frank Murdoch. Vaughn plans to go see him in San Diego. Vaughn finds Frank who tells him that Vaughn's father shot him in the back and then started to smoke a cigarette when they were ambushed in the Faukland Crisis. But he does have a picture that shows Vaughn's dad was alive as late as 1982.When Vaughn gets back, he tells Weiss that he never found Frank.
Weiss' Quote of the Week:
Vaugh: I know it sounds crazy...
Weiss: no, the Sox winning the series is crazy, this? this is insane!
Marshall brings up a good point when he's going over Op Tech with Sydney: What is it with all these bad guys and night clubs? Anyway, the mission finds Sydney in a little night club in Austria where she has to obtain a key card to get into the bottom level and access information about the lethal helicopter. She lifts the card off of a busboy named Sam, who happens to be American. Sam strangely reminded me a little bit of Mr. Berka, i think it was his goatee. So Sam comes over and tries to hit on Sydney, but it's really sweet. Unfortunately for him, Sydney says that she has a boyfriend. It's too bad Vaughn wasn't on the other end of her coms, I love watching his uncomfortable facial expressions whenever a guy hits on Syd.
All this while, Jack is trying to track down Korjev, who is a very well protected man. He visits a contact who owns a bar...wow, this informant it really messed up. *MAJOR QUESTION OF THE WEEK* what did Jack show him to get the information?? I couldn't figure it out. Well he finds Korjev (who I didn't think looked evil at all) Apparently they used to be great friend. Korjev shoot his guard in the kneecap for mistreating Jack. They go inside the house and Korjev introduces Jack to his wife, who is gorgeous! She was so beautiful. When they meet in Korjev's office he tells Jack that he and his wife are going to have a baby and he's not sure what kind of father he's going to be since he is really such an evil man. All of this, introducing the wife, bringing up that she's pregnant, was all to deter Jack from killing him, I suspect the Korjev knew what he was going to do. Fortunately, Jack is WAY too calloused for that, so he strangles Korjev...too bad. I think I really have a penchant for evil villans, I mean, hello? Sark, anyone?
Back to Austria, Syd goes to retrieve the weapon, only to find that it fully functional and ready to be shippped out. A guard ambushes her and she hears on his radio that Sam has gained illegal access, they tracked her card. She runs upstairs and finds Sam. She tells him to forget about her boyfriend, kisses him and tells him that he will regret it if he doesn't come with her. When they escape, Sydney tells him that his bosses are bad people and that she's trying to stop them, he is understandably freaked out, can't blame the poor guy, can you? Their original plan is for him to enter witness protection (something he's not too happy about) but the man coming to pick them up has turned and is on Korjev's side...so Syd beats him up. Seems logical. This really freaks Sam out though because I think this is when he realizes that Syd could kill him with a bobby pin. You can tell that this is when he's definitely re-thinking that second date. They go to a warehouse and find the biometric sniper on the helicopter. It locks onto Syd and well...you can imagine what happens. It's pretty insane. It was at this point that my dad walked into the room and started telling us why that was impossible. No duh! It's Alias...sheesh. It ends with Syd using one of Korjev's men as a human shield.
Syd and Sam have a touching goodbye. Syd returns to APO as her dad is leaving and asks to go to dinner with him. Fade to black...