So Laura and i went to Delaware, and we each brought our own camera. So i took pictures of her, and she of me. The ones of me are on facebook (because she put them there, duh), and can be found here:
facebook pics and the ones of laura, the scenery, and karin, and some combinations thereof, are here:
Me in the aviators I found in the brother's? Who knows
Laura in them...
Laura discovering how cold the water was
Laura taking pictures of the ocean?
Friendly feet!
Laura in the comfy hammock chair
Laura and a giant stuffed giraffe
Laura and the train set...
Something about the crane is puzzling, apparently
Laura and a giant stuffed panda...I'm sensing a theme
Laura playing with the spinning color thingie we got for $5
The colored thingie spinning
Laura, Karin, and me
Karin dancing. WOOHOO!