let's focus on the positive instead of me launching into a long-winded entry on how i HATE this time of the month with the bill paying and the budgeting and the trying to figure out how to live a champagne life on a stella artois income. IF i were going to write about the pissy, i'd also include a rant and rave about how high our electric bills are
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Comments 10
I love my air conditioning unit! I would think you might be far north enough that the humidity wouldn't be *so* bad. Guess you'll find out, and thus your gentle readers as well.
You guys are going off the chicken deep-end!!! Did one of the baby chicks fall asleep on the mister without pooping and now he wants more, more, MORE!!! lol I hope it works out like you hope, for sure.
Good job on your weight loss--that's impressive to be honest. I'm as fat & sassy as ever and not down 50 lbs. You are definitely setting a fine example for your LJ friends!
to be fair, the humidity here is NOTHING like the South - but it still can be heavy and uncomfortable for this "but it's a dry heat" girl. (that's what we used to say when it got to 110 degrees when we lived in the valley - "but at least it's a dry heat" lol). I don't know WHAT is going on with him, but when *I* am the one pumping the brakes? SOMETHING IS UP. :)
losing weight has not been easy (definitely not like when I was 25), but the changes i'm making are really making me feel better. I still indulge in less-than-healthy choices....but FAR more time passes between indulgences than ever before. I'm actually eating all of my vegetables every day and starting to LIKE them. that's a first.
and fat and sassy? love that! I probably will always be a little fluffy around the edges, too. =D
I think there's more than one reason why I feel like a kindred spirit with you, as exemplified in the very last sentence of your comment to me.
Your Very Fluffy Friend in the Midwest
lol :) if you lived next door, we could garden together, play with goats, and be fluffy and happy while playing whist (ok, or something else...I just really want to learn to play whist because it sounds SO fancy!). =D
i like them much better than NOT good things, for sure.
Fifty pounds is major, girlfriend!!!!!!! You go!!!!!!!
I think you may be a bit farther north than I am here in upstate New York, but here, we def need air conditioning during the hottest months.
Also, I'm guessing you're gonna need a mosquito strategy. 😀
thank you! <3 i'm still struggling with more, but it's about getting there sooner rather than later....so I just keep ploddin' along. :)
we are 46.6413° N <-- that looks pretty northern to me. (like I know...ha.) in CA where we lived, we could get by most days with an evaporative cooler (I love those so much!) because we had DRY heat. I used to laugh when people would say "yeah, it's hot here at 107 degrees, but it's a DRY heat." NOW I understand. today is going to be 83 with thunder storms. i'm probably going to die. :( it's been swell, kid....KIT with the ouija, k?
right now my strategy is deep woods off (my new parfum du jour) + those little thermacel things + mosquito coils (that shit does NOT work...it's just incense for hippie mosquitoes) + lots of swatting. it's all I got. :(
I love hearing about your ongoing chicken adventures.
it's one of my favorites! =D when Ricky and Lucy tango and she has eggs in her shirt, I laugh every single time. and i'm glad you like hearing about them, because at this point all I want to do is talk chickens. lol
Ugh I need to start doing more real cardio and stupid strength training too 🤣😭 good luck!
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