Dear Yuletide Santa,
Thanks so much for writing me fic this holiday season! <3 I hope you enjoy the process and have fun! (Please have fun!! I'm super easy to please!)
This is what I like in fic!
- A character's emotional journey from x to y
- Exploring issues with the author's text, specifically plot holes, missing scenes, missing character motivations
- Strong, intense relationships, both romantic and otherwise
- Awesome B-movie-esque sociopathic villainry.
- I am v. fond of sociopath/good girl OTP where the Villain falls in love with the Heroine and kidnaps her and offers his heart, his throne, his life to her so that they WILL RULE THE GALAXY AS KING AND QUEEN OF EVIL AND AWESOME FOR ETERNITY. (just so you know).
- Kissing. I love first-time-kisses especially! Smut can be nice if tastefully written. Please don't get graphic.
I like a lot of things about fic in general!! I like crackfic and serious storytelling; I like traditional and innovative writing styles in fic. Additionally, if you look at my interests/icon harem you can get a better idea of the specifics that thrill me if that is useful to you.
Also important: I really love strong, inspiring female characters. Women who are brilliant leaders with a firm & fierce soul. They don't play by the rules, they live in a man's world and they, in their own ways, combat all that stands in their way with their AWESOME. Which is not to say that they don't respect, love and protect menfolk (either their lovers, brothers, friends, bosses, enemies, etc); it's just that they don't let anything get in the way of their resolve, their intentions, their dreams.
This is what I don't like in fic!
- Dub con, non con.
- Describing a scene in the text as if you're writing a novelization of an existing scene. I've seen it before, don't spell it out for me again.
- First person POV
- Sweeney Todd (specifically: that level of intense darkness and insane/vengeful rape victims all over the place and lead characters that you just can't root for)
- On the other side of the spectrum: Kittens and unicorns and rainbows~
- I really don't like OC's in central roles in fic
- When the lady characters are sidelined, ignored, avoided, and/or extremely badly written
pls note: I've recently relaxed my stance on boyslash (my current favorite ship is a slash ship (I don't know who I am anymooooorrre)). You're welcome to include if you wish!
1) JONAS: Macy Misa / Nick Lucas / Kevin Lucas / Joe Lucas
What I asked for: In honor of the origins of JONAS, and to reclaim a female character to the side of AWESOME, the following occurs: a spy organization (of your choosing) recruits Macy as a spy. (Let's face it, she's pretty awesome when not around a Lucas Brother.) Drama and/or comedy ensues, specifically due to the fact that Nick cracks and becomes a sociopathic Bond villain with plots to destroy the world. Bonus points for Macy in a sparkly dress dancing with Kevin at a white tie ball. (This may be too specific - check my santa letter for a caveat!)
To expand: CAVEAT: Quite frankly, if I get a fic about Macy being awesome, Nick being angry, and Kevin in a white tux, I'm good to go <3
ALSO: I really love how Macy, underneath the shrill horrible stereotype of a fangirl, is MY FAVORITE TYPE OF GIRL CHARACTER. Remember when she faced off Van Dyke in "Double Date" and coolly reminded him of how she kicked his ass on the baseball field? Remember when she seduced the Fiona's photographer over to the side of good? Remember when she was Stella's BEST FRIEND EVERRR? I would really like to see MORE OF THAT. She has so much potential to be this wonderful human being! (please, however, do not remind me of all the moments where she's the most asinine fangirl of all time. please.) (although she has a point with the curly wig "hat") (jk jk jk!)
And I really think Nicholas Jerry Lucas is going to blow up Russia one of these days. *dreamy sigh*
2) Sonny With a Chance: Sonny Munroe / Chad Dylan Cooper
What I asked for: My needs are so simple: I just want to read about Sonny and Chad succumbing to their inner desiiiiires and making out. Go at it as serious and organic as you can; but man. This just needs to be written. Please be sure to be respectful about Sonny and her awesome. Bonus points for it all working out between those crazy kids. Big time bonus points for a Lucas Brothers cameo.
To expand: I mentioned that I'd like Sonny to be treated with respect here because Chad won't until he realizes he has to if he's going to keep her. And Sonny is an amazing woman and ANYONE WOULD BE LUCKY TO DATE HER. :)
(re the big time bonus points - I'm sort of dying for a Chad-is-jealous-of-Joe Lucas/Sonny Monroe moment. JS.)
OKAY. I REALLY LOVE VAMPIRE LADIES. TVD just killed my favorite lady vampire yet (LEXIIIII) and so I'm currently: starved.
With vampire media, my favorite thing to read/watch is how vampires have to endlessly adapt to All Things - they have to adapt from being human to being vampire and they have to adapt to the changes in the world as they're immortal! It's constant, neverending, heartbreaking change!! How difficult! What great fodder for delicious and delightful narratives!
And really, with both of these, I'm happy for you to go in any direction you choose!
3) Moonlight: Beth Turner / Mick St. James / Josef Kostan
What I asked for: Due to reasons of your choosing, dearest author, Beth becomes a vampire. What happens then? (Mick/Beth & Josef being snarktastic - a must)
(HAHHA Yuletide fail in that it's MICK ST. JOHN~. Bless.)
4) The Vampire Diaries (tv): Elena Gilbert / Any / Damon Salvatore
What I asked for: Due to reasons of your choosing, dearest author, Elena becomes a vampire. What happens then? (No Elena/Damon, please!)
(Lizzen fail in that I meant to prompt "Any/Stefan Salvatore/Elena.." but went for vampire Boone by accident and was too lazy to fix. THAT SAID, I love Damon A LOT (see: aforementioned heartage of b-movie sociopaths) SO I AM GREAT WITH HIM TRAMPING ABOUT IN THIS FIC)
AND SO, to conclude, dearest Yuletide Santa - these are ultimately all suggestions to tempt and inspire your muse. I will be joyous at really anything you write in these four universes!
Thank you again!