[He's been quiet for a while, and he was still drying off again from coming back when a mask appeared on his face in place of his blindfold. Though, that didn't worry him have as much as what he'd just seen...]
...I go "home" for a while and things go to hell again? Figures.
Private to Isa, Demyx and Axel )
Welcome back. At least you were considerate with the pin this time. Very clever, by the way.
I try to be, every now and then. Saw it in a store and thought it was fitting in case I'd have to leave for any period of time.
How thoughtful of you! So, what happened to you? Here, I mean, not back wherever you were. Unless you want to share that, too.
...I can transform into a wolf, apparently. What about you?
[That's why.]
...Beats a madman, I guess. [Still likes you, bro.]
I have a sneaking suspicion that we're all mad here. [Good, he still likes you, too, dogbro.]
...Mad, maybe, but not the 'threatening to kill everyone in the bubble for looking at you funny' variety, I think. [Sanity brooo~]
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