I thought it might be good to hammer them out ahead of time so there's plenty of room to ask questions and make sure everyone's clear on how it's going to work before we get started on April 1st.
+ We will be posting which icons have been voted out each week, but not who the maker is. You can identify yourselves if you wish after the results are posted, but if not, you can remain in perfect anonymity if you prefer. This leads me to #2.
+ If you wish to use an icon but want to know who to credit for it, you can comment in the voting results. Example: "Hey, I loved #4 and want to use it! Whoever made it, please contact me at myemail@email.com or at my LJ so I know who to credit!"
+ If you want to announce that your icon is free to be used, comment to the voting results post. Example: "I made #4, if anyone wants it."
+ Only participants can vote an icon out. You should vote in every challenge you possibly can; missing the vote once or twice is no big deal, things get in the way (you forget, have no net access, etc.) but more than twice and there's gonna be problems. Participants will continue to vote even after they are voted out.
+ All votes must include a sentence or two about why the icon isn't up to snuff. All comments will be made public after the voting period is over, so please put a little thought into why you think an icon deserves to be kicked out. "It's ugly" and "I hate it" are not valid reasons, and a mod will contact you to refine your vote, or it won't be counted in the final tally.
+ If you are not an iconist and you would still like to participate somehow, you may put in a vote for "best icon" of the round, with your reasons for why you liked it. These comments too will be made public.
+ The contest will start on Monday, April 3rd, and run for 8 weeks. Challenge details will be posted every Monday thereafter; your icons will be due on Fridays. Voting will take place on Saturdays, Sundays, and what's left of Mondays before we post the voting results. Once the results are posted, we'll get up the next week's challenge, and it starts all over again.
+ Your icons must conform to LJ standards-- 100x100px in dimension, no more than 40k in file size, and .jpg, .gif, or .png format.
+ Your icon cannot be posted anywhere or be a userpic for any LiveJournal account until the voting is over. You may not identify yourself as the maker of a particular icon until after that week's voting is complete. Failure to remain anonymous will cause disqualification.
+ You must participate in every challenge, or be removed from the competition.
Hope this is all clear, but feel free to ask questions here if you need explanation (I'm notorious for being vague/confusing). Don't forget to pimp this comm to your icon-making friends, so we have a nice big group of participants! I'd like at least 37 for a nice orderly progression of elimination.