If you would like to participate in Round 06 at
lims_tori leave a comment with your user name to this post.
Round 06 Contestants
amberguini* - extra skip earned by promoting
beautyofspeedcaielladana_pantsdriiiveallnight - dropped out Ch.02
evening_road - dropped out Ch.01
kreengleslost_cosmos* - extra skip earned by promoting
ladybug1219nervous__girlninth_ladyraisingrrrl* - extra skip earned by promoting
sancta_terrashim_shim* - extra skip earned by promoting
theyplaycreolevimh_graphics ENTRANT COUNT: 14
*=extra skips
Everyone is given one skip at the beginning of the round, you can
promote for an extra skip.
Round 06 won't begin for about another month or so, maybe sooner depending on time and such, it looks like this round will be all me as Cara has other things going on, hopefully she won't be gone for good but for right now I will be handling everything.
I hope everyone has a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!! :-D