I'm just procrastinating

Jan 28, 2011 20:16

 Only one more week until GCW left. I'm just procrastinating right now so that I don't study for Japanese test and finish my MWH outline. Finally got off my butt to download the released episodes of Fringe season 3. It just makes me want to go watch season 1 and 2 again but then I realized I deleted them.... Also downloaded the first three episode ( Read more... )


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Comments 1

gloomy_gloo January 29 2011, 03:41:46 UTC
Season 3 of Fringe has been so awesome and nerve-wrecking!! Having the real Olivia getting trapped in the other dimension made for so many unexpected moments and horrible cliffhangers. I think it's the show's best season so far and I can't wait to see what happens next~

Also badly waiting for the next ep. of Glee...I'm so unhealthily addicted to it :/


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