Just had yet another bloody argument with the other half and is now hidding out in the work room blah!
It's a pity because I've had a really productiv day up until we started aruguing.
I'm going to post some suff off for hallmarking tomorrow so just finished some pieces. And I thought since I haven't posted aything for a while I'll just show some
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Comments 5
Did you teach yourself to make jewelry?? I'm trying to teach myself but it's a tiny bit daunting. LOL
I started by myself. Mainly wrapping gemstones (there is some examples somwhere on my page I think). Then after awhile I decides to take some classes so I could learn how to solder and stuff. If you want to learn how to make thinks like the bracelet you liked you can learn that yourself. Just buy a couple of beading magazines, some of them give great tips and the bracelet is just a "beading" project :-). Do tell me how you get on and if you make something post pics!! :-)
Is the heart a pin or pendant or what? It is really cool.
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