oh and how can you say that, when you know...

Jan 02, 2010 00:16

FUCK it's been a while since I updated! So here are a few posts rolled into one (and hidded behind cuts so that I don't spam your friends pages too badly ;))

So I've been working like MAD over the holidays. It's good, though, because I need the money to pay for Christmas presents and such. And everyone's super good to me there.

I handed in my last essay on the 22nd, which of course means that I started it on the 21st. Yea, not too smart. So I was up until 5 in the morning finishing it up, and then I went to bed. I made sure to set my alarm for seven because I had to go hand it in before I started work at ten, and I also wanted a bit of time to just double check everything. Well, I woke up at 9:20, and I flipped. I ran downstairs, and had to call Kate and tell her I'd be two hours late for work because I absolutely had to hand it in, and she was super understanding. Honestly, they rock over there.

I had the day off from work on the 23rd (miraculously!), but it wasn't really a day off because I had to go home to the dentist so they could fill one of my cavities. They had originally planned to split them up (there were two) because they were both wisdom teeth, but it took them like five minutes to do the first so the dentist was just like "we might as well do the other one now". It was funny, though, because -- and if you're squeamish like my mother, you may want to just skip right to the next paragraph -- I've had little bits of gum covering my wisdom teeth for like a year now. They're flaps, nothing really, but the hygienist had to actually hold them out of the way while the dentist did the fillings. After the first one was done, she looked down at me, concerned, and asked "Does it hurt when I do that?" And I just sort of shrugged, "No." It doesn't, but it was, as I said, kind of funny. The dentist had already noted them during my last couple checkups, and had said that there's no reason for me to get my wisdom teeth taken out because they're coming in perfectly, but she mentioned that I could get the gums removed so it's all perfect back there. Having to deal with them during the filling made her totally willing to set me up with an appointment for getting them removed, and they even dropped the price a bit for me, because they're TINY. So that's happening at the end of the month.

Christa got off work early, and I didn't have any freezing to deal with (oh yea, I forgot to mention, they did the cavities without freezing, and it really didn't hurt and they've done it with me before but people my family thinks it's totally crazy; is this weird? Am I the only person who's had cavities filled without anesthetic?), so we went straight down to Vaughan Mills - I had to go there because nowhere within the city limits of Toronto is there a Build a Bear Workshop, and I had to build Chloe a bear - I made her a ski bear! We met Dad for lunch, too, which was nice :). Then Christa and I went around so I could get some other shopping done; I ended up getting all of it done, which was really good for me :). Then it was home time for real, with just a couple short stops at Teaopia and work. Christa stayed the night because it was stupid for her to go all the way home only to have to pick me up the next day.

I worked until 2 on Christmas eve, then Christa swung by to pick me up and take me home. I was told I couldn't go into my room right away because Nick was wrapping my present up there. But the wrapping got moved into the kitchen - I wrapped gifts for friends while dad wrapped Christa's presents and Christa wrapped mine, haha. It was sort of funny. Andrea stopped by so we could exchange gifts, and we chatted for a while, made some tentative plans for new years. Then we went to the Bourne's (obviously) and just chilled out for a while. I do love seeing everyone at Christmas, although we ended up staying until midnight because Justin told dad about a computer problem. I went pretty much straight to bed when we got home, and slept until mom woke me up when everyone was ready to go downstairs. Spent the morning opening presents (yay presents!). It was a truly disney Christmas for me, which was exactly what I wanted. And pearls! And they told me they'd be scoping out espresso machines on boxing day (and they did! I got an espresso machine!). John and Lois came for dinner, which was PERFECT! Which is to say, the roast was perfect, and the company was also good. Christa took me home afterwards, and stayed the night so I wouldn't have to sleep in the house alone, and I had to work boxing day (and basically straight to New Years).

Monday was the O'Donnell Christmas, which was less terrible than I suspected it would be, so good things there. We didn't stay too long, and the food was good. I forced the family to leave because Petra and Bhavna were going to the movies and I wanted to join lol. So they dropped me off at the theatre and we basically had a good time. Thus concluded Christmas '09.

So I spent New Years in Keswick (well, Barrie, but I had to come back to Keswick to get there), but before I left the city I bought my new COAT! It's a 3/4-length white down coat, and I love it. But back to New Years: I wanted to go out for New Years, and Andrea's the friend to go to when I'm in that mood. Of course, she is able to make me feel simultaneously awesome and shitty (the awesome is intentional, the shitty she doesn't really have any control over). A thousand hot guys tried to dance with her (a few succeeded: notably, one whom she gave her number to), and the rest of us were just nothing. I hate competing with her; I know I don't have to, I know it's not really a competition, but still... it wears a girl down.

There was one funny moment though. Backstory: we were at the bar for like twenty minutes waiting to be noticed by the friggin' bartender. While there, a guy came and was also waiting; he seemed cool, he was chatting with Andrea a bit. He found us later on the dancefloor and danced with Andrea for a while, then he and his friends (who seemed really awkward, and young [I can't believe I'm old enough to call people young!]) went away. Simple enough. But then he and his friends came back way later, and Andrea was dancing with another guy. No big deal. We made them feel welcome and everything, but then guy #1 went over to Andrea and was like "What are you, some kind of whore?". It caused a bit of a reaction, but it was also sort of funny. We laughed about it today.

She danced with one guy (the number boy, or guy #2, based on the previous paragraph) for most of the night, and she was trying to get me to dance with his friend, but I was having none of it - not because I didn't like his friend or anything; he was cute, sure, but he didn't seem to want to dance with me, or anyone, really. We went to the bathroom at some point and Brit made a comment about how he was cute, and they both looked at me, and Brit was like "You don't agree?" and I said "Yea, I agree, so what?" "So why don't you dance with him?" "Because I'm done chasing; if a guy wants to dance with me, he can try to dance with me." "Well he's shy". "FUCK shy boys! I am done with shy boys!" The whole thing just made me feel like crap, because that was basically all of last year. 2010 is a year of me not dealing with shy or awkward boys.

We left around 3 to begin the long trek back toward Keswick, and made it home without incident. I went straight to bed and woke up at noon today. My parents made cinnamon buns for breakfast, then we went to see Sherlock Holmes, and then we had steak for dinner. It was nice to just chill out for a day; I won't have a chance to do that for at least two weeks (unless I skip class sometime, which I might just do). It was a good way to start 20-10 (twenty-ten, not two-thousand-ten).

So now I'm back in Toronto - it's taken me so long to write this that Petra and Meghan have both gone to bed. But we watched Superbad, which was also a good time, lol. I should go to bed now, because I have to work tomorrow. But at least I'll have money to pay my rent *sigh*.

peace out

holidays, andrea, boy, christa, school, mommy, drinking, life, work, daddy, roxx, new years, meghan, bhavna, family, christmas, petra, nick

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