a surprise move, my part time job got canceled tonight, so Jonathan and I joined Matt, Elana, and many of her family seeing Order of Phoenix this evening. Yes, I know I should be packing, but I couldn't resist coming online to post briefly about...well...
It's a pretty movie but any Potter fan will have to forgiving of a great deal of inconsistencies, and if you're expecting emotion, you won't get it.
The Good (Casting):
1) Luna. She was absolutely perfect for the role!
2) Umbridge. I thought she was pulled off really well!
3) Helena Bonham Carter. Perfect Bellatrix.
The Good (Scenes)
2) The first few scenes of the movie with Dudley and the Dementors. The first shots in particular with tall grasses and the the wide angle lens of the scenery were great.
3) The DA; there was lots of focus on it as it deserved to be and I'm glad they didn't cut it short.
4) Flying Death Eaters, and the entrances of the Order members at the end were nifty!
5) Hermione-Gwamp. Very cute.
Best Quotes:
1) "Get your hands off my Godson!"
2) Snape's "Obviously"
3) Harry/Sirius's "What if something's gone wrong" conversation. It was nice to have them make a little more time for that relationship.
Best Addition:
The scene in Dumbledore's Office after Mr. Weasley's attack. Harry shouting "LOOK AT ME" and that moment between him and Dumbledore was probably the only moment for me that truly conveyed the gravity and heaviness of...everything. Similarly, the urgency in having to begin the Occulmency lessons right then, and the first scene with it where it seems as though Harry is going into something truly torturous and dreadful, and the shot pulling out from the castle a bit later continues building that emotion, and I thought it all fabulous.
Worst Subtraction:
The mirror subtraction. Unlike many of the others, this wouldn't have taken much screen time, and it hurt because I do think it's important. There are many more things I would have liked to see in there (more Tonks, and making Ron and Hermione a bit more than just decoration) but I understand the time contraints.
Little Stupid Things
1) There's absolutely no story to how Ginny, Neville and Luna came to be in Umbridge's office.
2) Hagrid's "storm's coming, Harry." What are Ron and Hermione there, window dressing?
3) You can't punch a Demetor. oO Yes, you read right. Harry punches a Dementor.
The Bad and The Ugly:
There were SO many things wrong with Sirius's death...from the fact that it was not in any way emotional or dramatic, to the point that Harry's reaction was completely dubbed down and stupid slow-motiony (I fully expected to be bawling as I did when reading the book, but it passed with little more than a confused "huh, that's it?"). I am not going to talk about that stuff in depth though because they all pale in comparison to this complete travesty. One line. One stupid little line ruined all of those special effects, the millions of dollars put into it, everything. One line, in fact, his very last line completely underminded and invalidated probably the most crucial relationship in the Potter Universe, and cheapened my favourite character beyond all redemption even if he could be brought back from the dead.
Sirius (to Harry who is fighting alongside him): Nice one, James.
And that is that.