Title: Parent Trap - Part 3
xjekkixWord Count: 461
Summary: Lindsay struggles to tell her parents about her relationship with Samantha.
Rating: PG 13 (for some language)
Disclaimer: This is not real, but Michael Lohan really is an idiot.
8 A.M
Unsure of what else to do after being refused entry to the bedroom, Lindsay takes a walk to the nearest store and comes home with a bag full of comfort food, a pack of Samantha’s Marlboros, and an already half empty package of her own brand in her pocket.
She quietly opens the front door and tosses her jacket onto a nearby chair. As she removes it, she realizes how much she reeks of tobacco smoke and lets out a gentle cough. Walking through the house, she is met with silence until she hears tiny footsteps loping down the hallway. The stocky bulldog shuffles lazily, her tongue hanging happily from her mouth and she rubs against Lindsay’s leg affectionately. The girl leans down to pet her and notices the bedroom door is wide open. A sad smile appears on her face as she watches Samantha sleeping soundly. She sets her bag of goodies on the counter and walks closer to the doorway, realizing she is perfectly content to wake up to this face for the rest of her life.
She hears her phone ringing once again but this time she is too exhausted to be startled by its shrill sound. Walking slowly back to the house’s foyer, she grabs it from inside her jacket pocket and looks at the screen contemplatively, an old photo of her and her father on the screen. She exhales, puffing her cheeks and accepts the call, knowing what she has to do.
10 A.M
Barely functional from lack of sleep, Lindsay crawls into bed, still dressed, careful not to wake Samantha. She powers off her phone before setting it on the bedside table, uneager to talk to anyone else, at least for a few hours. Lying flat on her back, she places hand upon hand against her forehead and manages a weak smile, satisfied with herself.
She glances sideways. Samantha’s back is to her, covered by an oversized t-shirt. The blankets have been kicked from the bed from the DJ’s restless sleeping habits. Lindsay retrieves them and drapes them back in place as gently as possible. Not wanting to stir too much, she doesn’t tug the covers overtop of herself and instead curls up into the fetal position, her back facing Samantha’s.
She wraps her own arms tightly around her torsoe, and closes her eyes, feeling so exhausted that she can’t sleep. Her body becomes rigidly still as Samantha wiggles behind her, wrapping an arm around Lindsay’s waist and assuming a spooning position. Her eyes open, and she remains stiff for a moment. Samantha’s mumbles an ‘mmm’ and shivers as she pulls blankets around the two. Lindsay relaxes then, and melts into the DJ’s arms as she drifts peacefully to sleep.
As promised. There may be more later...I'm having an inspired day :)