You can go home again.
Woke up to the sound of my nieces and nephews running past my bedroom for breakfast, the family dog on their heels. Rufus had to be the ugliest mutt I'd ever seen, but he was so sweet and gentle, even when little Mark pulled on his ears.
Sitting up, I scratched at the still healing wound on my back. Hadn't really expected the firm to send so many demons after me like they did, but I'd managed to escape, barely clinging to life. Someone had found me laying on the ground, the blood slowly draining from my body, and had dropped me off at the emergency room. After getting patched up I'd left against medical advice, contacted a demon I knew, and hopped on a plane to Tibet.
I needed to disappear, or I wouldn't survive the next attack. I'd done my research a long time ago, I knew of a way to hide, I just needed the perfect artist to assist me. The symbols had to be exact or it wouldn't work. Secnarf was the demon for the job. I'd called him, explaining the situation and he didn't even have to think twice. I'd helped him out a few times and he owed me.
The tattooing process took three days. There was massive magick and power involved in a ritual like that. Not to mention blood. My blood. It was in the ink, in the candles he lit, even in the bowl he was drinking from. The pain was unimaginable, but it was still more pleasant than anything the Senior Partners would do. By the time he'd finished, I couldn't even move. My muscles refused to work. Stayed with him for another week, recovering from the work he'd done.
Then I came home. No, not to LA. I had no reason to return to that City of Angels. I went to Oklahoma to stay with my younger sister. It was only going to be a temporary thing, if the tattoos failed, I didn't want her family to be hurt because of me.
Sarah had a lot of questions she wanted to ask me, but I couldn't tell her the answers. She'd think I was insane. Demons, evil law firms, vampires, a hand transplant- it all sounded like something from a horror movie. I needed some time to recover, to find myself. Somewhere along the way I'd become lost and I not only hated what I was doing, but I hated everything I was.
Came down the stairs to the kitchen and grabbed myself a bagel. "Sarah, I'll be out in the barn for a bit, going to see if I can get that tractor going." She frowned because I wasn't wearing a shirt and those tattoos bothered her it will give the kids the wrong idea, but the cloth would make my skin hurt too much.
The tractor was older than I was, and I swear parts of it were being held together with duct tape and chewing gum. I knew what was wrong, but I couldn't make the stupid thing run. Tried tightening the belt again, know that should make it work, but again, nothing. Swore to myself in a demon language in case the kids were around.
Then something tackled me from behind and I was knocked off my feet. The giggling I heard made me relax. I'd almost lashed out, but it had just been the kids. Joey, Mark, and Anne were cackling like little fiends. I chuckled and sat up, ruffling Mark's hair. Anne peered at my wrist. "Uncle Lindsey, what happened to your hand?"
Now, do I tell her the truth or make something up? "Well, I got hurt at work. You see there was this gel-haired moron of a vampire who had a temper fit like Joey does when he runs out of chocolate milk, and he cut it off!" I made this chopping motion and they gasped, eyes wide. "But they did some neat magick and glued on a new one."
I leaned over and whispered at them. "It's an evil hand. Sometimes it likes to...tickle little kids!" Laughing I reached out and tickled all of them. "Seriously though, it was an accident at work. Always do what the signs say or you could get hurt. Why don't we see if your mom's got more of those chocolate chip cookies." They cheered and we headed inside. I could get used to this.