hey yizz-all! lOl* <3

Mar 04, 2005 19:45

                                           *Welcome to My Life. . .

*hey ya'll!!..shewww...today has been pretty ordinary! lOl*..nuthin much has really happened...today was my 2nd day of track practice!! haha*..its hard..but its fun..im not really fast or good at it..but it dont take much coordination..and thas sumthin i seriously lack!! haha...so ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

anonymous March 4 2005, 17:15:55 UTC
ur hott


lindsey_morgan March 4 2005, 17:16:14 UTC
thanx?..its gettin old tho..


_els March 4 2005, 17:53:23 UTC
glad ur still lovin' the journal :) lol..
omg i watched the Notebook for the first time last night.. its by far the best movie ever!!.. i watched it again today as soon as i got home from school lol.. sheww i bawled too.. but i mean how could you not "If your a bird.. than im a bird" aww soo sweet.. i called jerrel and told him he had to watch it with me.. and he had to l0ve me like he loves her in that movie haha.. i know im a dork.. but sheww i wish my life was like that lol..


ahhh*..heY* lindsey_morgan March 5 2005, 10:47:05 UTC
thas SO sweet!..i am SO "flippin" jealous of u and bart!!!! lOl..ya'll are so swet together!!! <3
yeah..it was an AWSOME movie!!! haha*
thanx for tha comment!*
I LOVE YOU TOO LEANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!* <3


(The comment has been removed)

_els March 4 2005, 21:34:12 UTC


heY* lindsey_morgan March 6 2005, 10:33:51 UTC
ahhh*..thanx!!..i deleted that comment tho..because i think its horrible how ppl can leave sumthin like that..and i thought it was pretty emmbarising!! lOl*..but im gettin ready to make my journal friends only anyway..because of ppl like that!! lOl*..and i think its sad when u havta go friends only because of peoples IMMATURE STUPIDITY!!..they just dont know how stupid that makes them look..ESSPECIALLY when they are to scared to leave their name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha*
but..i think thas nuff said* lOl*
thanx for tha comment!..I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!* <3


snairb March 5 2005, 08:07:23 UTC
(looks up)
(sighs) someone needs to grow up, just a tad bit! now, if you wasn't some little boy, and if i wasn't a christian, I'd proberly break everyone bone in your body!! Don't you have any respect for girls? Come on, Lindseys a sweetheart, But again, why didn't you leave your name? Afarid someones gonna find out who you are? Afraid someone might actually kick your butt? Hmm, I smell chicken =). So next time you wanna say something, leave your name, wuss!

Love you Lindsey

Brian <--- you see this? this is a name (points up) Leann left her name, but why can't you?


haha* lindsey_morgan March 6 2005, 10:35:46 UTC
HAHAHA!*...i luvv u brian!!!! lOl*..u r too so funny!!..but i deleted that rude comment..so its all good..and im prolly goin "friends only"...so yeah* haha <3
thanx for tha comment!! lOl*
luv yah!!!!!!!*


Hey Lindz ndn_wr06 March 5 2005, 10:01:39 UTC
hey lindz whats up babe i am sitting here getting ready to go out lol how bad u wanna see my tattoo lol i like it alot its pretty cool but this one hurt pretty bad lol.........and whoever is leaving these rude comments leave lindsey alone nobody cares what she done in the past if that at all .........she has matured alot leave her the hell alone buddy she never done anything to you unless ur an ex-bf and just mad cause she broke up with u but im her ex too and im not an ass like you are ......leave her the hell alone....... well lindz im gonna go
bye hun
love ya


Re: Hey Lindz lindsey_morgan March 6 2005, 10:38:49 UTC
yepp!..i wanna see ur tattoo!!!!!..i really do!* <3
AND im prolly goin friends only..because of ppl leavin comments like that! lOl*
but..thanx for tha comment!*
luv yah!!* <3


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