1. Do you own any plaid clothing?: No
2. Do you own converse shoes?: YES!! :-D
3. Do you own saucony shoes?: umm whatever that is
4. Do you own old school nikes?: haha i did
5. Do you wear tight pants? yah haha
6. Is there more than one zipper in your pants?: no
7. Do you know what a squatter flap is?: HAHA WHAT!
8. Do you own a messenger bag?: no
9. Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest?: where else would i wear it?
10. Do you have braces?: used to
12. Do you have short, shaggy hair? noo
13. Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches: haha umm yes considering im female
14. Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?: umm hell yes hahah what kind of question is that
15. Do you think mohawks are "neat"?: yah i like to touch them
16. Is your hair black or red?: neither...blonde
17. Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?: no...i dont dye my own hair
18. Do you own a bandana?: yah. i was a biker for sadies hell yah
19. Do you wear plugs in your ears?: nope!
20. Are you amused by safety pins?: not even a little
21. Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?: um no
22. Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes?: i have one. and it was westy's hahah
23. Do you own one or more articles of clothing from dogpile, lip service, or tiger of London: ive never even heard of those
24. Do you enjoy leopard print?: for underwear
25. Are you Disgruntled?: uhmm.
26. Are you an anarchist?: no
27. Does the American flag anger you?: not at all. but bush angers me.
28. Are you "working class"?: no
29. Do you dislike "preps"?: no
30. Do you dislike Hot Topic?: no i just dont fit in there and ppl look at me like "WHY are you in here"
31. Do you smoke cigarettes?: SICK
32. Do you smoke cloves?: nope
33. Are you a thin waif?: huh?
34. Are you vegan/vegetarian?: no
35. Do you think meat is murder?: nope im a meat lover haha
38. Have you ever gone a week without a shower?: no...
39. Have you ever been avoided due to your odor?: god i hope not
40. Do you know who Jack Kerouac is?: no
41. Do you like Mr. Kerouac? i just said i dont know who he is dumbass
42. Are you a member of the makeout club?: yes. haha who has a club like that? you must be that cool.
43. Do you say "rad"?: sometimes !
1. Name: Lindsey
2. Do you like it? no. lol
3. Nick-names: Linds, Leonard, umm KUP, kupher, Lindizzle
4 Birthday: October 10th
5. Sign: Libra
6. Location: chandler, arizona
7. Status: SINGLE
8. Crush: ummm CANT SAY!! haha
9. Virgin?: Yes and proud of it
10. Natural hair color: dirty blonde
11. Current hair color: dirty blonde
12. Eye color: blue
15. Height: 5'1
16. Birthplace: Boston
17. Shoe size: 7
18. Ring (ring finger) size: no idea
1. Number: 44
2. Color: pink
3. Day: Friday
4. Month: October
5. Song at the moment: Set Phasers to STun - Taking back sunday
6. Movie: napoleon dynamite
7. Food: italian
8. Band: ahh too many
9. Sport: to watch- Basketball ....i dont play sports haha i Ski
10.Class: Drama or Journalism
11. Teacher: CARTER!!
12. Drink: water.. how boring
13. Veggie: Carrots.
14. TV station: mtv and NOGGIN!! haha
15. Radio station: 103.9 or 101.5
16. Animal: liger
17. Flower: Daisys
1. Me or you: umm you?
2. Coke or pepsi: Coke
3. Day or night: Night
4. AOL or AIM: aim
5. CD or cassette: CDs
6. DVD or VHS: dvd
7. Jeans or khakis: jeans
8. Car or truck: car
9. Tall or short: tall
10. Lunch or dinner: dinner
11. *Nsync or BSB?: Nsync all the way!
12. Gap or Old Navy: Gap
13. Lipstick or lipgloss: lipgloss
14. Silver or gold: Silver
15. Alcohol or weed: Alcohol
1. Do you have a bf/gf?: no
2. Do you have a crush?: kinda. but i dont know its confusing. lol
3. How long have you liked him/her? ummm about 3 months
5. If you're single, why are you single?: too much work. too much drama.
6. How long was your longest relationship?: month and a half. hell yah
7. How long was your shortest relationship?: 12 hours. denny hahaha