Title: Two Thousand Eight Addendum (Part Four.Two) Author: lindseyrkrpf Rating: NC-17 Summary: Fights and making up. Oh, and Europe. Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not even the song you may recognize in the last scene.
There's a very very slim chance that I'll ever find a flaw in what you write, even if it wasn't R/K or E/B.
I'm not sure if it's because I've missed this immensely or if I'm still caught up in the past week's epicness, but this is definitely up there with my favorite TTE (original and addendum) installments. The emotion is unbearable, yet so perfectly them. Thank you ♥.
Wow. Wow. Just when I think this story can't get any better, you come through with something like this. Amazingly beautiful. Rob's description of his heart just melted me. 12 hr shifts in emergency are so worth it if this is what I see when I come home. As always, can't wait for more. Beautiful work, bb.
Comments 85
I'm not sure if it's because I've missed this immensely or if I'm still caught up in the past week's epicness, but this is definitely up there with my favorite TTE (original and addendum) installments. The emotion is unbearable, yet so perfectly them. Thank you ♥.
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