(Feel free to snag this icon but please credit
Another full icon tutorial from me. I'll be demonstrating how to make this icon today and I'll be using Paint Shop Pro 7. Here is my pic, it's from
Getty Images.
+ Crop the pic and resize it to 90x90 pixels then sharpened. Then prepare your base and position it where you'd like. For this icon I enlarged the canvas size to 100x100 pixels. Copy the layer three times. I desaturated the first layer by -50. The second layer was set to screen at -50 opacity. The third layer was set to soft light.
+ Using this brush by
meleada at 90 pixels. I put a simple solid color border around my base. Please note the brush is shown in black just to show the outline. Then I just filled in the blank area with the same solid color.
+ See the spots of the base is still showing? Take the paintbrush and go over that with with a small pixel.
+ Now all you have to do is add text if you wish then you're done. My text says "addicted" at 16px in Decker.