15 years ago... (1991)
How old were you? 5
What school year were you in? 1st grade
Where did you go to school? North Oakview Elementary School
Where did you work? nowhere yet
Where did you live? Grand Rapids, MI
How was your hair style & color? long, curly, brown
Did you wear braces? no
Did you wear glasses? no
Who was your best friend? Allison Oppeneer
Who was your girlfriend or boyfriend? yeah right
Who was your celebrity crush? are you kidding?
Who was your regular-person crush? see above
How many piercings did you have? none
How many tattoos did you have? none
What was your favorite band? Sesame Street
What was your worst fear? I think this was before my re-occurring nightmare of the guy with the gun chasing me, so I'd say bedtime
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? no
Had you driven yet? no
Had you been to a real party yet? no
Had your heart been broken? no
10 Years Ago... (1996)
How old were you? 10
What school year were you in? 5th grade
Where did you go to school? Grant Middle School
Where did you work? nowhere yet
Where did you live? Grant, MI
How was your hair style & color? shoulder length, brown, straight
Did you wear braces? no
Did you wear glasses? no
Who was your best friend? Heather Jones
Who was your girlfriend or boyfriend? well, that was the year that this kid David asked me out by letter out by my locker, but i was too shy to respond, so i guess i messed that one up
Who was your celebrity crush? maybe the guy that played Casper? was that out yet?
Who was your regular-person crush? i dont think anyone at that point
How many piercings did you have? none
How many tattoos did you have? none
What was your favorite band? Mariah Carey?
What was your worst fear? middle school
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? no
Had you driven yet? no
Had you been to a real party yet? no
Had your heart been broken? well...no...
5 years ago... (2001)
How old were you? 15
What school year were you in? sophomore in high school
Where did you go to school? Grant High School
Where did you work? nowhere yet
Where did you live? Grant, MI
How was your hair style & color? long, brown, straight, lots of crazy up-dos
Did you wear braces? no
Did you wear glasses? no
Who was your best friend? Katie Long and Amy Ouwinga
Who was your girlfriend or boyfriend? Anthony...ugh
Who was your celebrity crush? probably Josh Harnett
Who was your regular-person crush? my stupid boyfriend...double ugh
How many piercings did you have? just ears
How many tattoos did you have? none
What was your favorite band? Jars of Clay, Third Day
What was your worst fear? getting a B, (jk)
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? No. No smoking for me. Ewww.
Had you driven yet? yes, i think i had just started driver's ed, or sometime soon after
Had you been to a real party yet? not really
Had your heart been broken? i'd say no, but there was definitely boy drama
How old are you? 20
What school year are you in? 2nd to last semester of undergrad baby!
Where do you go to school? Hope College
Where do you work? on campus: res life, tutor, phonathon, bio dept
Where do you live? mostly Holland, MI, but I still consider Grant my hometown
How is your hair style & color? short, straight (most days), brown
Do you wear braces? no
Do you wear glasses? no
Who is your best friend? that's a toughie: Katie? (though I havent called her in a while), Kerri? (though we rarely hang out anymore--though she does at least still live with me), Jo? (she's on the other side of the planet), Ais? (she's usually too busy for me--and vice versa), Eric? (no, he rarely returns my calls and even more rarely do we see each other)...man, this is sad...guess I'd have to go with my sister Lori then.
Who is your girlfriend or boyfriend? no thank you. this girl gets enough "relationship" drama from her close friends, thank you
Who is your celebrity crush? mmm...Orlando Bloom
Who is your regular-person crush? well, there's two of them, and kind of none of them...it's complicated
How many piercings do you have? just ears
How many tattoos do you have? None.
What is your favorite band? Death Cab? Maroon 5? 90's classics like Hootie and Goo goo dolls? my favorite bands i know are Joanna Olson, Bourassa and Dannenberg, and AG Silver.
What is your worst fear? screwing up my life and not fulfilling God's dreams for me
Have you smoked a cigarette? ewwwwww.
Have you been to a real party yet? officially, i'd say two. i stayed long at neither and didnt even consider participating
Has your heart been broken? yeah. but i'm over it most days (actually pretty much everyday)