Jun 06, 2005 05:08


it is 4:36 in the morning and i have been drinking Rock star im not going to bed.
i had to do this spanish broacher, i wrote it and then my computer deleted it. so i wrote it again and then a virus got on it so then my computer stoped and i ha to rewrite it again.
its 4:37 im tired, but im not?? i am so going to fall asleep in that ihs graduation thingy. it will be funny. but i only have two its 4:38 classes tomorrow and lunch with natasha so yeah it will be fun. tomorrow morning im going into its 4:39 alan bros. and being like "what can i get with the most caffine?" and they are going to look at me and then give me something.
its 4:40 and yeah im tired but my pee is like neon yellow from the rock stars.
i went down stair to print my broacher and i thought there was someone at my door then i though lights were turning on down stairs. now im scared because someone could be in my living room right now and i wouldnt know it casue im in my room. but i dont want to go check cause that would mean more noises, but what if they are downsatirs? its 4:41, 4:42 i dont want to go down there, but should i maybe ill just peek my head out. . . ok no noise, its 4:43,

im wearing scrubs that my dad brought me from the er, i think i hear a car. . . . wow my hands are shaking, buti dont want to go to bed, cause i would have 1 hr before i would have to get up anyway, i should do my math homework. hmm that would be a good idea. 4:44, 4:45 almost done with second rockstar.

Rock star:
i can party like a rockstar, i dont tink they dri k this though cause my mouth hurts just from the taste.

hey what is that stuff that like. . makes you hyper, it doesnt have caffine on the bottle can thing. one can has two sevings and one serving has Taurine 946mg and i drank two cans so that is 3784mg of taurine, whats that??? 4:49 ok good news i wont get retardation, bad news i might have seizures.

"Taurine has a protective effect upon the human brain. The amino acid taurine is used to control anxiety, hyperactivity, poor brain function, hypoglycemia, hypertension and seizures." k just joking i wont have seizures. how can this control hyperactivity when i cant control my hands?
this will boost my brain function
opening can number 3, hmm mabye i will put this under a blog thing, maybe

taurine was found in ox bile, what the hell is that?
bile is a substance found in its liver. sweet im drinking an ox liver liquid. i feel like im sailing.
crap i think im going to die
why does my arm hurt, im hungry
shit:"Do not consume more than 500 ml per day"
473ml in each can
"In 2000, Ross Cooney, a healthy, 18 year old basketball player from Limerick, Ireland died after sharing four cans of the drink before a gaelic football game. An inquiry into his death ruled that he died from Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome and the connection to Red Bull was inconclusive"
now my leg hurts, maybe this is making me grow!!!! that would be sweet
5:04 well i am going to go do my math homework. i will most likely be on later. goodnight

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