contact info meme.

Feb 23, 2010 19:13

I am: Juri (eizra)

I Play:
Miles Edgeworth (lineoflogic) | Phoenix Wright series
Robert Haydn (reidealize) | The Law of Ueki
Janus Cascade (takeupavarice) | Wild ARMs 3

I Used to Play:
Adachi Tohru (truthlol) | Persona 4
Sakuraba Haruto (haphazardace) | Eyeshield 21
Hei (darkasthe) | Darker than Black
Death the Kid (ocdeath) | Soul Eater
... and many, many others

Contact: robert.haydn at gmail is my e-mail! If I am at my computer, I will get it immediately. I'm usually on IRC under one of my character nicks (Edgeworth, Janus, Robert^Haydn). If I'm not in main chan, toku chan can probably track me down.

EMERGENCY Contact: A few CFUDers have my cell phone number and can contact me if necessary!

Availability: Generally, I'm available in the afternoons and evenings and currently have Fridays and Saturdays wide open. This will continue into the next quarter. I typically go to bed early (especially if I have to work), but I've been up a lot later lately, heh.

Timezone/Language: PST, aaand English.

The Playing Experience: I try to respond quickly, but depending on my energy levels, it may take me a bit to reply to a thread. I like posting and actually don't mind postrape! With that said, my attention span can be terrible at times and I've lost notifications in the past. If I drop a thread and you want to pick it up, please tell me!

Goals: Build up CR. I've been apping a lot and not doing as good of a job at strengthening my characters' relationships, and I don't want to do that anymore. I have three characters that I absolutely love and adore and want to focus on developing them! Also, not be a flake and keep up with this.

Betaing: I will happily beta for any of my canons! I used to beta a lot more, but my attention span has been terrible lately and sometimes I feel like I'm not very helpful. If you are apping from a canon of mine and want me to beta, though, I would be more than happy to. Just give me a bit of advance notice!

AUs: If it's a post-camp AU, I am all for it! Unfortunately, I am not that great with RPing porn, so the odds of me doing that are nill.

Pimping: I will gladly hook anyone up with any of my canons. Wild ARMs 3 is $5 and for the PS2, the Phoenix Wright games are fairly easy to get for the DS and are being released via Wiiware, and I have links for Law of Ueki ... somewhere. You can pimp stuff to me, but I am not interested in apping again for quite some time. Three is my limit.

Other: Please don't be afraid to approach me! I am ridiculously awkward on IRC at times (read: I am a flake and get distracted), but e-mail will always, always get to me and I try to reply to stuff ASAP. :(d
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