[IC] lawyertarium hooooo.

Mar 16, 2010 06:40

[March 16th, 8:00 PM
Camp Fuck You Die
Outside the Lawyertarium]

(Prosecutor Klavier Gavin ... Despite the fact that we come from the same "world", I'm not very familiar with him. In my time, his name has been vaguely whispered around the prosecutor's office - there had been word about some up-and-coming young prosecutor of sorts from Germany. ... Because that's never happened before.

I don't know what to expect from him; however, if the truth in this matter is to come to light, I'm going to have to dig further into his story. His case files are thorough, but ... Hmm.)

[knocks at the door to the lawyertarium.]

[australia and the us's time zones hate each other! THIS POST IS FOR KLAVIER, but I do keep missing people from the lawyertarium, so if you want to tag it, uh. feel free. o/]


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