Ey, flaco, que esto es un atraco. Ey, Fito, que te necesito. Ey, Neko, cuando vamos a crear nuevos slang otra vez? =_= Sólo recuerdo Fenómana y Teqylan... ¿Cuáles otros hicimos? ¿Te acuerdas? Lázaro... Levantate y anda.
Tomorrow I have to pay for my internet connection. I've gotten a lot of extra time this month which makes me both nervous at the possibility of getting some hours taken from next months quota and also makes me feel liek I could have used this extra hours much, much better... For example, I'm always complaining about how difficult it is to talk to my friends but this month everyone seems to be either mad at me, missing or just not in the mood to deal with a slightly deranged near schizo like me. But none of that is completely my fault, anyway. Well, at least I've downloaded some new songs and even discovered a few bands...
Does any of you know anything about the Super Furry Animals? I have the vague memory of reading about them somewhere but can't remember where or what (well, I read everything that falls in my hands). The two songs by them that I've listened to are interesting.
Run Christian Run is very good, even, and not only because of the hillarious title.
Our house is very small and was built by moronic humanoid creatures who were stupid, blind, had never seen stone before and were missing both arms. The kitchen is kinf of thrown there in the middle of the hallway leading to the bedroom... This makes up for one very small and uncomfortable kitchen (this only affects my mom, the rest of us are are selfish) and one very smelly house when diner time is near (mom has her revenge).
My family is crazy. Very much so. Lately, my father and I haven't agreed much on anything... Well, I guess it's not just a new thing, not only "lately", but things have certainly been worse recently. He's obssesed with health now, taking pills day in and out, boiling water, doign all kinds of weird things and he assumes that everyone else also wants to do this. I am not a healthy person... I've never been able to do more than 10 abs and I'm perfectly fine with that, no remorse, no aspirations of being a football star, no broken dreams there. So, for the love of Bahamut and the spam vikings... dad, don't tell me to do weights again unless you want me to laugh in your face again =_= and don't get offended again, dammit =_= half of the time I don't know why he is mad at me...
My brother is honestly too cheerful for me to be comfortable around him at the moment.
My mother.......is ok. When she is not screaming, she is kinda cool... You see, the thing is she acts like a 12 year old girl, sometimes hysterical, always childish, sometimes cute, sometimes nice to have around. The fact that she barely can reach my shoulder helps the idea of her as a little girl... She's not emo, probably the only un-emo person in my inmediate family, so I'm a bit grateful for that sometimes. Of course, that doesn't mean she isn't fucked up, there's a lot of that in this family.
Anyway, what I wanted to say was that there's nothing quite as surreal as standing in the kitchen, talking to my mother about completely mundane stuff and all of a sudden have her look me in the eye and say say "No te suicides. Por lo menos hazlo por mí. Este año sales de aquí." only to keep cooking like nothing had ever happened, asking me if I prefered meat well cooked or bloody. What do I answer to that? Well cooked, please. And thank you.
Porque no me voy a suicidar: a. existe una posibilidad abrumadoramente grande de que sea completa e irremediablemente inutil b. no me atrevería c. soy un imbecil que todavía tiene alguna esperanza de que las cosas mejoren d. me jode que ninguno de mis amigos se va a enterar de que lo que pasó no fue que me olvidé de ellos e. siempre va a haber alguien que te encuentre. la idea de joderle la vida a alguien por algo tan egoísta me molesta. f. no estoy tan mal. F. NO ESTOY TAN MAL. ok? ok.
Mira que gastar un número tan bueno como el 4 en una estupidez tan grande como esa...
David is up...dammit... I even started drawing and now I have to stop =_=
Mercer Human Resource Counsulting makes an annual list of the top and lowest ranking cities according to quality of living. There are 39 criteria to evaluate each city, including social, economic, political and enviromental factors, health, safety, education, transport, public sevices, etc. Google around if you are interested and you will find more info, all I wanted to say was that Havana is the second worst place to live in South America (second to Puerto Principe... I'm laughing. Really.). If you or any of your friends feels any kind of simpathy for this goverment, tell them I'd kindly offer them my house in exchange of theirs for a chance to live in a cruel, devastating, hopeless capitalist society that is oh so draining and denigrating.