[oh hey look it's the only reason I tend to come back here: more cards]

Nov 05, 2015 12:18

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Mega-Tin

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (Platinum Secret Rare)
Elder Entity Norden (Super Rare)
Majesty's Fiend (Super Rare)

Mega Pack 2015

Traptrix Dionaea (Rare)
Foucault's Cannon (Super Rare)
Swordsman of Revealing Light (Ultra Rare)
Nephe Shaddoll Fusion (Secret Rare)
Feast of the Wild LV5
Battleguard King
Deskbot 001
Chain Dispel
Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer
Satellarknight Vega
Number 43: Manipulator of Souls
Soul Strike
Artifacts Unleashed
Artifact Failnaught
Performapal Stamp Turtle
Photon Pulse Dragon (Rare)
Shaddoll Fusion (Super Rare)
Bujingi Sinyou (Ultra Rare)
Pot of Riches (Secret Rare)
Performapal Spikeagle
Stellarnova Wave
Serenade the Melodious Diva
Qlimate Change
Pendulum Shift
Yang Zing Prana
Sylvan Cherubsprout
Toy Knight
Deskbot 002
Laser Qlip
Satellarknight Capella
Performapal Kaleidoscorp (Rare)
Pulao, Wind of the Yang Zing (Super Rare)
Metaphys Horus (Ultra Rare)
Thestalos the Mega Monarch (Secret Rare)
Qlipper Launch
Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit
Galaxy Mirror Sage
Djinn Demolisher of Rituals
Satellarknight Procyon
Toy Vendor
Infernoid Attondel
Infernoid Piaty
Raidraptor - Readiness
Artifact Aegis

Overall, not the most interesting of pulls, but the Mega-Pack has enough cards in it's pool that cover many of my interests. I just wish I could've gotten more Artifacts!

But hey, pulling Metaphys Horus and Thestalos the Mega Monarch IS cool, and also Foucault's Cannon. I love those Normal Pendulums, they're so effective.

I'll eventually get myself the Dark Rebellion Mega-Tin as well, either through buying or Christmas, so look forward to that.


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