Okay, Mom and Dad, I know you were against me getting a job in the summer to pay for college for possibly more than one reason. But I feel I must speak my mind here, for I do have a great say in this since this is a decision about a part of MY life. So I would like you to just listen and hear me out before you say anything further...
Okay, first off, we know how badly I screwed up this year. Sure, I only have two F’s, but only because you pushed me once again to bring my grades back up as high as humanly possible after you found out how horribly I was doing. But the fact of the matter is that my GPA is a 1.571, which disqualifies me academically from UCF. I did it once again. I’ve taken your money, shoved it up my ass, and turned it to waste. I do NOT want to waste your money again. This time I want to get a job to pay for my tuition on my own. You’ve dealt out enough money for me to throw down the drain.
Secondly, it seems that every year we go through this same crap over and over. I start out high, then I start falling and falling downward, then you two pick me back up. And each year I seem to hit a new low. You two have had talks with me, lectures, all of that to try and keep me from doing the same thing. But sadly, they never really helped, because I’m still doing the same thing over and over again. Getting a job would mean hell for me during the summer, yes, but all that work could be the motivation I need to stay in college. When I get back in, I’ll be considering all of that work I did just to get back in to UCF and hopefully that’ll motivate me to not mess up.
Third of all, you’re going to make me worry. Yeah, that’s right. Your son’s going to worry. I know how when I stay out late at night past 12:00 you two start to worry. And I can’t blame you for that; you’re just loving and caring parents. I know that if I were to go to a girl’s house or if a girl would come here you two would start to worry. I can’t blame you for that either; there are guys who can be real pigs and jerks who can’t be trusted sometimes. When I’m in college and I don’t speak much about it, you two worry. Well, now the tables have turned. If you two pay for me, I’m going to start worrying that if I mess up again, I will have wasted it. So if you pay for my tuition, you’re putting my emotions at stake here.
Mom, dad, you have raised me the best you can. You’ve put your 100% into molding me into a fine young responsible adult with virtues, morals, and values. You’ve raised me in the best way so that I can later on make wise decisions for myself. Well, I’m 18 now, I’m a college boy, and I’m at an age where I can have better judgment. Up until now I've been bowing to your every whim and will because I trust your judgment and I know you want what’s best for me. But this time I want to make a decision for my own self. I mean, that IS what you want me to do in terms of college, right? I do remember you saying, “Don't go to college because of us, do it for you.” Well, I'm going to do this for myself. I'm getting a job and paying my way back in to college. I'm taking responsibility. Now don’t start twisting my words and thinking that from now on I’m going to think that just because I’m 18 and in college that I can make decisions on my own without your consent. I did not say that. And I didn’t say that just because I’m 18 I know all there is to know about life. I’m still quite young and I still have much to learn. Then again, you two once told me that even parents like yourselves have a bit to learn in life. Not everything you preach to me will really be right for me, although it might be right in your own perspective from your own experience. Now I’m not saying that you’re wrong and I’m right. I’m only saying that I could be making the right choice for myself.
I want to make a major decision for myself for once without having to worry about you two standing in my way. Now I’m sorry to inform you that I’m getting a job no matter what you two say, but I at least wanted to have you both content with my decision before I do it. As you can see, I’m responsible enough to at least do that before making my decision. It’s time I grew up and starting doing a few more things for myself with my own judgment.
I have said what I needed to say. It’s your move now. You can either be okay with what I’m going to do and therefore I’ll have one less major worry on my back, or you can be against it and therefore I’ll have this extra weight on my back. So now I want you to say what you want to say now.