Long Freaking Survey!

May 27, 2005 20:27

1.What time is it?; 12:45 P.M.

2.Do you want to answer these?; yeah sure i do i guess i have nothing better to do

3.Name?; ashleigh
4.Name spelled backwards?; hgielhsa
5.What is your quest?; my quest is to find something to do over the summer to keep myself busy
6.Nickname?; ash, ole ash, ashee (my nieces)
7.Age?; almost sixteen as in nine days i will be yay
8.Hometown?; the town that im in right now o0o that is wait uhh ummm let me think haha j/k ville platte
9.What were you born in?; a hospital like most people are born in these days what else did you think lol
10.Where do you live now?; i still like in the same place i suppose which is ville platte hehe
11.What state?; umm i think its called louisiana lol j/k thats what it is lol
12.Ever going to move?; well one day i suppose i will have to move out of my parents house and into my own house but until then i seriously doubt it
13.Would you rather live somewhere else?; not at the current time b/c there isn't a better place to live besides with my parents since they love me and its free and all lol
14.Birthdate?; june the fifth
15.When do you blow out your candles?; i blow out candles for my birthday i suppose whenever that maybe like in nine days yay
16.Day you were born?; i was born on a monday but it was a rainy day
17.Zodiac sign?; gemini
18.Do you know what that is?; the snake
19.Sex?; nah thats okay i'll wait until i find the right guy first
20.Height?; 4' 10"
21.Weight?; 96 lbs last time i weighed myself a few days ago
22.Eye colour?; blue
23.Hair colour?; blonde
24.Any siblings?; yeah four and they are all older than me yay
25.Names & ages?; david, michelle, nichole, derrick ages aren't avaliable lol
26.Do you get along with them?; yeah for the most part b/c they don't live here they all married with kids or step kids
27.Any pets?; yeah a dog and hes like a little brother to me and thinks he is human
28.Names?; tee-tiger
29.Parents?; yeah don't we all have parents lol
30.Names?; earl and kay hehe they are the best ever parents and i love them to death
31.Do you get along with them?; yeah sure do and i love them to death too
32.Married or divorced?; married yay
33.How long?; sixteen years they have been married yay yay
34.Website?; umm i don't know b/c i don't have a website i just have fulla journals online lol
35.E-mail?; lil_ashlee_renee@yahoo.com
36.AOL s/n?; umm its linkinparkdemon hehe
37.Yahoo s/n?; umm its lil_ashlee_renee@yahoo.com hehe
38.ICQ #?; i don't have yahoo anymore hehe b/c i got a new computer and never got it again
39.MSN?; angel_freak897@hotmail.com
40.How many people are on your buddy list?; msn-2 lol i know i don't know many ppl that have msn, yahoo-30, aim-136 yay thats alot lol
41.Phone number?; like i would actually be dumb enough to give that out on the internet, but done it before, but i knew the person lol
42.Personality?; sarcastic, sweet, honest

43. Do you want to answer these?; do you think i would be answering them if i didn't wanna

44.What school do you go to?; ville platte high school
45.What year are you?; two thousand seven lol hehe
46.What are you?; im gonna be a junior as soon as school starts back hehe
47.Hardest class?; hell if i know school is out now babes lol
48.Easiest class?; hell if i know school is out now babes lol
49.Most fun class?; none of them are fun b/c i hate school lol
50.What day did school start?; hell if i remember b/c i was hoping for it to hurry and end right when it began
51.Do you have classes with friends?; not really b/c i don't have many friends and the ones i do have aren't in the same grade as me mostly
52.Do you have friends?; yeah i guess but not many friends b/c not many people like me for many reasons of their own
53.Do you go to school events?; nope b/c i find that i always end up depressed or annoyed or angry when i go to school events such as dances and ect. so i quit going
54.What was the last event you went to?; well i go to school events such as fbla and things like that but its during school but like weekend events it would have been homecoming dance of my freshman year
55.Do you have school spirit?; not really b/c our school sucks at football, is okay a softball and baseball now, and is good at basketball, but i play no sports, so who cares
56.Do you go to dances?; hell no b/c i always get depressed, angry, or annoyed at them b/c of someone doing something stupid or something to me that hurt me so nope
57.Stag (isn’t this a male deer? I know it is) or with someone?; i still don't get this question at all means lol i know im such a blonde lol

58. Do you want to answer these?; why do you keep asking that b/c if i didn't wanna answer these then i wouldn't be taking this survey in the first place would i lol

59.Have a significant other?; nope sure don't i am single as can be lol
60.What is their name?; n/a
61.How old are they?; n/a
62.How long have you been going out?; n/a
63.Have you been faithful?; well im not with anyone at the current time but i am always faithful to them when i am with someone
64.Do you have a crush?; lol nope sure don't i know i know your weird and thats odd but i don't really have a crush on anyone and its not like it would make a difference anyways
65.Who?; that wouldn't be your business anyways would it huh?
66.Do they know you like them?; im sure they would if i had a crush
67.You ever going to tell them?; probably not but i might later on you can never tell with me lol
68.Do you have an online crush?; uh no b/c i don't know anyone really online that i don't possibly know in person
69.Who?; n/a

70.Do you wonder why I’m asking these questions?; b/c your being a nosey person and your probably bored lol

71.Had a serious talk?; umm yeah
72.Hugged someone?; yeah sure did
73.Fought with a friend?; not that i can remember
74.Cried?; almost and nearly ready to again
75.Laughed?; yeah lol
76.Made someone laugh?; im sure i did i guess lol
77.Bought something?; nope sure didn't but thats okay
78.Cut your hair?; nope sure didn't im letting my hair grow long hehe
79.Felt stupid?; yeah i always feel stupid someway or another lol
80.Talked to someone you love?; yeah
81.Missed someone?; yeah sure did and sure do lol

82.You want me to tell you?; tell me what? what kinda question is that?

83.Smoked?; yeah sure have but don't intend on doing it again
84.Stolen something?; nope i don't steal
85.Done drugs?; yeah sure have but don't plan on doing it again
86.Drank?; yeah but i wouldn't intend to drink alot at once again
87.Gotten drunk?; yeah basically or buzzing really bad
88.Eaten an entire box of Oreos?; not sure but i might have when i use to be big lol
89.Been dumped?; yeah but o well i don't care about that anymore
90.Had someone be unfaithful to you?; not that i know of b/c i would have beat their ass if i would have found out about it
91.Hiked up a mountain?; not that i remember anyways so i dont think so
92.Stayed home on Saturday night, just because?; yeah and b/c i couldn't find nothing else to do so it sucked ass soo bad
93.Been in love?; not true love anyways but maybe a little puppy love lol
94.Seen the White House?; i saw the white house on tv but thats about it never actually seen it face to face lol
95.Seen the Eiffel Tower?; i might have seen it on tv but that is it not face to face lol
96.Tried smoking?; didn't i already tell yah i have smoked but don't intend on doing it again
97.Played Monopoly?; umm yeah of course i have the game and like almost everyone has played monopoly before rite?
98.Seen Titanic?; yeah i have seen it before
99.Kissed someone?; naww i never kissed anyone, i lie, yeah duh of course i did
100.Tried a weight loss program?; not a weight loss program, but i did go a huge diet lol
101.Jumped on a trampoline?; i use to at friends houses when i was younger lol hehe
102.Coloured in a colouring book (& had fun)?; yeah as a child, and i still do now, lol, but it isn't fun anymore haha
103.Had a bubble bath?; yeah of course but i don't take bubble baths that much hehe
104.Been on a plane?; nope but i hope one day i will lol so i can go to europe lol hehe
105.Been on a boat?; yeah i have
106.Been on a train?; yeah sure have been
107.Been in a car accident?; yeah sure have but me and my mom didn't get hurt but the other peoples kinda did
108.Ridden an elephant?; nope i don't think your suppose to ride them lol
109.Made a web page?; yeah but it wasn't for me it was for some peoples thingy
110.Played with Barbies?; yeah as a kid i did and with company i did lol haha
111.Stayed up all night?; yeah plenty of times lol hehe
112.Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean?; yeah of course who hasn't done that before? lol
113.Called a psychic or sex hotline?; umm nope sure haven't and im not planning on doing it either
114.Watched Jerry Springer?; yeah lol in the mornings when im bored haha
115.Gotten in trouble for talking in class?; hell yeah all the damn time lol its hilarious when i get in trouble though lol
116.Been afraid of the dark?; probably i think as a child lol
117.Been in the hospital (not visiting)?; yeah bunches of times for different things lol
118.Had stitches?; yeah on my leg/knee and they disolved on their own and i had butterfly stiches too lol
119.Dumped someone & regretted it?; yeah for a while but now i dont' lol i know it sounds harsh but o well its being honest
120.Gone out with more than one person at a time?; yeah obviously he took me back and i dumped him again lol oops sorry being harsh but honest again
121.Lied?; yeah sometimes to get outta trouble i suppose lol
122.Been arrested?; nope not that i remember lol
123.Fallen asleep in class?; what? i always try to sleep in class but the damn teachers always wake me up lol
124.Gotten in trouble in class?; yeah of course i got in trouble in class before and its funny when i do though
125.Used food for something other than to eat?; nope lol that would be crazy
126.Met a celebrity?; nope sure didn't but i wouldn't mind meeting one lol
127.Broken the law?; lol yeah lol but not that i wanna do it again lol
128.Ever loved someone so much it made you cry?; yeah lol like a baby unfourtunatly lol
129.Hated yourself?; yeah im a pretty depressed person so yeah of course i did and sometimes still do
130.Been broken-hearted?; yeah enought times
131.Broken someone’s heart?; well i dumped people but i doubt they really cared
132.Are you a virgin?; is that any of your business?
133.Done something really stupid?; yeah i do stupid shit all the time lol
134.Been arrested?; you asked this and i already said nope lol
135.Hurt a friend?; yeah im sure i did but they hurt me too
136.Broken a bone?; nope actually i haven't which is odd considering how clutzy i am lol
137.Ever had a crush on a teacher?; nope lol that would be hilarious lol

138. Why do you want to know?; omg whatever

139.Guy name?; michael
140.Girl name?; raegan
141.Nationality?; american what else would i be lol
142.Colour?; pink
143.Holiday?; christmas
144.Day of the week?; saturday lol of course hehe
145.Restaurant?; not sure it kinda depends on what im hungry for lol
146.Fastfood restaurant?; not sure it kinda depends on what im hungry for lol
147.Food?; chili, pizza, tacos, ice cream lol
148.Animal?; monkey
149.Pet?; dog
150.Store?; not sure depends where i wanna go and needa go to get what i want or need lol
151.Mall?; umm the one that is in lafayette lol hehe
152.Clothes brand?; don't really have one b/c i wear w/e i like that fits and looks decent on me lol
153.Soda?; strawberry, dr.pepper
154.Alcohol?; sminoff
155.Instrument?; guitar i guess
156.Season?; winter but summer b/c school is out and its my birthday
157.Number?; seven lol
158.Radio station?; not too sure it depends on all what i wanna listen to hehe
159.Song?; depends on my mood of what i wanna hear lol
160.Sport?; to watch is football and to play is basketball lol hehe
161.Vacation spot?; im not too sure b/c most of my vacations are just church youth trips lol
162.State?; not sure b/c i didn't get to go to all of em yet lol but louisiana has the bestest food ever lol
163.Country?; i like america, italy, france, england , so basically going to europe would be nice lol
164.Flower?; roses
165.Perfume?; ralph lauren
166.Thing to do?; hang with friends and family
167.Actor?; not too sure lol
168.Actress?; not too sure lol
169.Saying?; " i don't care"
170.Car?; mustang
171.Month?; june for my birthday lol hehe
172.Cartoon?; spongebob lol hehe hes so0o cute lol hehe
173.TV Show?; the o.c., gilmore girls, charmed, 7th heaven, and other ones too lol
174.Website?; www.bzoink.com, www.yahoo.com, www.xanga.com, www.greatestjournal.com, www.myspace.com, www.livejournal.com
175.Book?; harry potter series i would say
176.Quality about yourself?; im trustworthy, sweet, and honest
177.Your best friend?; macey and rhonda
178.Your best guy friend?; not sure lol hehe
179.Your best girl friend?; macey and rhonda
180.Fruit?; strawberries and grapes
181.Vegetable?; not too sure lol too many too name
182.Meat?; chicken lol i guess
183.Quote?; " true friendship lasts forever" i wish that were true
184.Saying?; " money doesn't grow on trees" lol hehe
185.Type of movie?; anything that keeps my attention basically
186.Candy?; umm too many to choose from
187.Language?; english is fine with me lol hehe
188.Magazine?; j-14 i guess is pretty kool so yeah
189.CD?; not to sure too many to choose from lol
190.Store?; depends on where i need and or want to go at the time
191.Movie?; too many to choose from lol hehe
192.Day of the week?; you asked that and i said saturday
193.Singer?; not too sure lol
194.Band?; not too sure lol hehe

195.Why are you so curious?; im not being curious you are lol

196.Like to swim?; sometimes depending on my mood
197.Like to dance?; kinda sorta if im in a good mood i guess i do
198.Have a pool?; not anymore but i use to a couple of years back
199.Have a car?; nope sure don't very sadly but nope
200.Going to get a car?; i will one day and i don't know what kind either lol
201.Your motto?; "who cares"
202.What do you look for in a friend?; trustworthy, caring, fun lol yeppers that would be an awesome friend
203.What do you look for in the opposite sex?; lol cute, faithful, sweet, trustworthy yeppers thats it
204.Time you get up?; depends whatever time i wake up is what time i get up i don't have a set time that i have to wake up hehe
205.Time you go to bed?; whatever time i feel like it or whatever time i fall asleep lol hehe
206.What colour are the sheets on your bed?; pink and purple lol hehe
207.How many pillows?; two but two pillow shams and two heart pillows for decorations hehe
208.Ever skip school?; yeah of course who doesn't?
209.Have you ever been convicted of a crime?; nope i haven't lol im good hehe
210.What did you eat for dinner?; depends i had cabbage caseroul and chilli and ice cream w/chocolate syrup today lol hehe
211.What are you wearing?; umm some pjs lol hehe as usual lol hehe
212.What movie makes you cry?; there are a few but im not sure at this time lol
213.What book makes you cry?; there were some im sure but i cant think of em right now
214.What song makes you cry?; there a many songs that make me cry but i cant think of em right now lol
215.What/Who makes you laugh so hard you cry?; some of my friends and family
216.What is your favourite possession?; my dog and my computer and my cell phone lol hehe
217.What physical, tangible possession do you want most?; not too sure lol hehe
218.How badly do you want it?; had badly do i want what? lol
219.Have you ever seen The Exorcist?; yeah i have seen it and its kinda weird too lol hehe
220.How long did it take you to understand why that question is here?; idk lol hehe
221.Does Xmas music played too far away from Xmas annoy you?; idk lol hehe
222.How old do you think you will be before you stop liking getting older?; about 25 lol hehe
223.What was the best Halloween costume you ever had?; i don't remember lol prolly my nurse or cheerleader outfit maybe hehe
224.What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had?; im not sure but prolly my baby bop one lol hehe that was hilarious
225.What holiday do you think has still managed to retain its original meaning?; none of them b/c they all come down to the wants of presents lol hehe
226.There are currently no federal holidays during August - what should be put there?; school start day lol idk hehe
227.How good is your short-term memory?; crappy lol hehe
228.How good is your short-term memory?; crappy lol hehe
229.(Not very good I see, I repeated that question, did you notice?); yeah i have lol grow up
230.How good is your long-term memory?; okay lol hehe
231.What is your earliest memory?; not too sure lol hehe
232.What is your happiest memory (other than receiving this survey)?; not too sure lol besides my fifteenth birthday was pretty happy
233.What is your strangest memory?; oh well im not sure but i have a few i know
234.What is your worst memory?; not telling but i have alot of em
235.What song, movie, etc. do you wish you could memorise?; well if i wanted to then i would wouldn't i ?
236.What song, movie, etc. do you seem to memorise unintentionally?; songs that play excessively on the radio lol hehe
237.What size are your feet?; 5 or 6 or 7 depending
238.If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?; annoyed and sad
239.Do you prefer getting to know someone first before dating them or going ‘blind’?; knowing them a little bit i suppose
240.Could you carry on a relationship with someone with the same first name as a family member?; not sure b/c it may be weird lol hehe
241.Have you ever wished it was more ‘socially acceptable’ for a girl to ask a guy out?; not really i don't care lol hehe
242.What’s your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?; pointless i suppose
243.Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?; yeah
244.Do you think the opposite sex finds you good-looking?; maybe but i doubt it seriously
245.Would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last?; possibly
246.Do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69?; not really b/c i don't have a bad nasty mind like that lol hehe
247.Were you lying about your answer to the previous question?; maybe lol sometimes i mite laugh hehe
248.Do you actually know your Social Security Number?; yeah i sure do lol hehe
249.Do you actually know your IP address?; maybe lol hehe
250.Do you know what an IP address is?; not sure lol hehe im so damn blonde lol
251.Do you know the four-character extension on your ZIP code?; what four extension zip code? lol hehe
252.Ever think there were too many numbers floating around in our lives?; sure lol i guess
253.Does your head begin to hurt when you think of infinity, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc.?; yeah that shit makes my head hurt really bad im telling you the truth too lol hehe
254.What do you think of pi, you know, 3.14152967 etc.?; i know 3.14 that is it lol hehe
255.Do you have a driver’s license?; nope not yet b/c i was too lazy to go get my permit lol so i didnt get to get my liscence yet lol hehe
256.Do you sometimes see a movie or watch a show just because a good-looking celebrity is in it?; haha yeah
257.What celebrity’s autograph do you want most?; not too sure a hott one though hehehehehe
258.Have people ever said you looked like a celebrity, & if so, who?; nope i don't think so as far as i can remember lol hehe
259.If there was to be a movie about you, who do you think should play you (in personality, looks or both)?; not too sure lol hehe
260.Does it ever annoy you when you know someone is a celebrity but you can’t remember who they are?; yeah totally
261.If you could enter any celebrity’s mind like in Being John Malkovich, whose would you enter?; i wouldn't do that
262.Do you want to be John Malkovich?; nope
263.Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender?; yeah as a little kid but not anymore lol hehe
264.What do you love most about the other gender?; the love and security they can bring
265.What do you dislike most about the other gender?; they can always just want one thing from you
266.What do you understand least about the other gender?; their minds lol hehe
267.Mac or PC?; pc
268.How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer or is it only as long as it works?; who cares?
269.Do you ever prefer IMs to other forms of conversation?; im not too sure
270.Do you find you’re different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone?; im not too sure
271.Have you ever bid on something on eBay & regretted it later?; never actually bid on ebay lol hehe
272.If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been?; michael
273.Would you name a child of yours after you?; nope lol
274.If you had to switch first names with a friend of yours, who would you switch with?; macey i guess lol hehe
275.What’s the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?; they don't they might spell it wrong sometimes lol
276.If you were to become famous, would you drop your last name (like Madonna, Cher, Roseanne)?; nope lol hehe
277.Like to give hugs?; yeah sure do and i like to get em too
278.Like to walk in the rain?; sure i do lol hehe
279.Sleep with or without clothes on?; with clothes lol hehe
280.Prefer black or blue pens?; either really doesn't matter to me as long as the shit writes lol
281.Dress up on Halloween?; not anymore but i did as a a kid lol hehe
282.Sleep on your side, tummy or back?; all of em i switch during my sleep lol
283.Think you’re attractive?; nope i don't but i have good personality
284.Want to marry? Who?; none of you damn business
285.Have a goldfish?; nope but i did have one before lol hehe
286.Ever have the falling dream?; yeah i hate it too lol hehe
287.Have stuffed animals?; yeah i luv stuffed animals lol hehe
288.Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven & Hell?; yeah sure do its perfectly easier that way too
289.Do you think God has a gender?; Do I care? i dont really know do i
290.Do you think science counteracts religion?; who knows?
291.Do you believe in organised religion?; i don't know
292.Where do you think we go when we die?; i think we either go to heaven or hell
293.How easy is it to make you laugh?; depends on the mood i am in
295.Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn’t?; sometimes but i cant help it at times lol
296.Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn’t?; yeah sometimes but i cant help it lol hehe
297.What words instantly make you laugh or at least smile?; i have no idea lol hehe
298.What do you think is the funniest thing you’ve ever said or written?; i have actually no earthly idea
299.Do you ever dance to music when nobody’s watching, when someone’s watching?; yeah sure have lol hehe
300.What is/are the worst song(s) you have ever heard?; not sure lol hehe
301.What song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better?; not too sure
302.What song(s) are constantly in your head?; not sure lol
303.What song(s) do you think describe your personality best?; not too sure i would have to think about that one for a while lol hehe
304.If you were to serenade the object of your affections, which song(s) would you use?; id have to think about that one
305.If the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he or she used?; im not too sure
306.What movie(s) do you love that nobody else seems to?; not sure lol
307.Do you agree with the idea that sequels are always worse than the original?; not sure lol
308.Who’s your favourite Star Wars character?; not sure lol hehe
309.What kind of movie do you think there should be more of?; not sure anything that holds my interest
310.What movie(s) do you simply not understand the appeal of?; not too sure lol hehe
311.When eating, are you more concerned with taste or healthiness?; taste lol hehe
312.What’s your favorite kind of cheese?; cheddar
313.What do you think your answer to the previous question reveals about your personality?; nothing lol hehe
314.If you knew exactly what went into Chinese food, hamburger meat, etc., would you still eat it?; nope lol i don't eat chinese food
315.Do you ever feel guilty eating meat?; not really but sometimes maybe a little

316.What a unique category, don’t you think?; no, not really

317.Are you sure you have friends?; not really lol yeah i know thats pretty pathetic
318.Best friend?; macey, rhonda, erica, laura, abbie, kaylee
319.Second-best friend?; they are all greatest lol hehe
320.E-mail the most?; not too sure
321.Call the most?; marilyn i guess lol hehe
322.IM the most?; erica lol hehe abbie, laura, kaylee hehe lol macey lol
323.Best friend of the opposite sex?; not too sure lol hehe
324.Best offline friend?; rhonda hehe
325.Best online friend?; erica
326.Which friend do you dislike the most?; not too sure
327.Person you can always confide in?; rhonda of course who else
328.Person that you can talk to for 12 hours straight & never get bored?; rhonda and macey
329.In a fight or annoyed?; nope lol hehe
330.Friend’s house you sleep at the most?; shelly i suppose i use to but not anymore lol o well
331.Friend’s house you wish you could sleep at but can’t?; not sure lol
332.Who is the first number on your speed dial?; not sure lol hehe
333.Who would you take away on a week vacation?; rhonda or macey prollly hehe
334.Craziest?; they all a little crazy at times lol hehe
335.Weirdest?; they all have their weirdnesses lol hehe j/k
336.Most fun?; they are all fun and can all be at times lol hehe
337.Saddest?; depends on their moods i suppose
338.Quietest?; not too sure they all can be a little quiet i suppose
339.Who knows you the best?; umm i think rhonda does b/c i tell her everything, i mean everything, lol, shes like a sister and best friend to me, and i miss her soo damn much goshes you don't know how much i miss her lol hehe
340.Who do you know the best?; rhonda and shelly
341.Who do you like to shop with?; rhonda and alicia lol hehe my fifteenth birthday rocked ass
342.Talk with?; all of them but rhonda is awesome and so is macey lol hehe
343.Trust the most?; rhonda b/c she is older and i know i can trust her not to go and tell people what i tell her thank goodness or id be in shit lol hehe
344.Flirt with?; lmao none of em lol hehe
345.Laugh with?; all of em are fun to laugh with when we are being crazy lol hehe
346.Give advice to?; anyone of them who asks for it im willing to give advice to b/c i love to help people with their problems
347.Who gives you advice?; whoever i ask which i normally ask rhonda hehe
348.Best singer?; not me for sure prolly felicia, rhonda, and laura lol hehe
349.Best athlete?; jen
350.Who is the nicest?; they are all nice and i mean they all have their mean moments lol hehe
351.Who is the meanest?; they all have their mean moments but most times they are nice hehe
352.Best dancer?; not too sure lol prolly rhonda, alicia, and roxie hehe
353.Best writer?; prolly felicia and big dustin i suppose hehe and jen writes good poems hehe
354.Best smile?; they all have a good smile when they put one on them hehe
355.Most creative?; they are all creative at something
356.Best dressed?; they all have their own styles i suppose lol hehe
357.Best shoes?; who knows? lol they all have their own shoes
358.Who doesn’t care if they lie?; im not sure lol
359.Who can’t lie?; me i can't like for shit even if i wanna lie which sucks sometimes but in most cases is a good thing lol hehe
360.Most innocent?; well we might look all innocent but we all aren't innocent lol hehe
361.Most innocent looking?; we all might look it lol hehe
362.Rebel?; we are all a rebel to some extent i suppose lol hehe
363.Moodiest?; me lol hehe
364.Happiest?; laura never seems to let her emotions seem anything but happy which is odd but true lol hehe
365.Cutest?; they are all cute lol hehe

366. It’s because I’m bored, can’t you figure that out?; no shit sherlock

367.Religious?; not really just spirital
368.Try to be fashionable?; nope not really at all i just try to be me lol hehe
369.Think fashion is important?; not really i care less about fashion just about being confortable lol
370.Get along with your family?; yeah
371.Get along with your friends?; yeah or else they wouldn't be my friends would they?
372.Get grounded?; not anymore recently anyways lol hehe
373.Know any foreign languages?;i took two years of french and can't speak a lick of it lol hehe
374.Run into walls/doors?; yeah alot of times i do hehe
375.Blonde? At heart?; nope im literally a blonde and i think if i weren't i would still be blonde at heart lol hehe
376.Who do you talk to most online?; not sure really it depends on whose online really now that you say that lol hehe
377.Who do you talk to most on the phone?; marilyn mainly b/c she calls here and sometimes macey and rhonda lol hehe
378.Are you a bum?; no of course im not lol
379.Do you get online a lot?; yeah of course i do im online 24/7
380.Do you shower?; yeah of course its nasty if you don't lol hehe
381.Do you hate school?; yeah i totally and completely hate school for so0oo many reasons
382.Do you have a social life?; yeah i guess but not really b/c i don't have many friends which sucks
383.Do you trust people easily?; sometimes but i wind up getting hurt so now i don't trust people as easy but yeah so thats about it on this question
384.Have you ever lied to your best friend(s)?; not really lied, just didn't tell the whole truth, but maybe lied too lol
385.Are you a dare devil?; not really lol
386.Would you ever sky dive?; nope
387.Do you like to dance?; sometimes
388.Are you funny?; sometimes i can be if im in a good mood i guess
389.Are you a serious person?; i can be if i need to be lol hehe
390.Do you make friends easily?; not really as i thought but nope
391.Do you work out?; ummm nope
392.Do you like to work out?; nope im to damn lazy
393.How much can you bench press?; nothing at all most likely lol hehe
394.How much can you lift?; nothing at all lol hehe
395.Are you a popular person?; yeah right like im popular hehe i will just sit back and wish i was lol hehe
396.Do you have plans for your future?; kinda sorta but not really
397.Do you plan to go to college?; yeah i do plan to go to college after i get outta this damn hell hole called high school
398.Do you play sports?; not anymore but i use to play basketball for epyb
399.Do you like sports?; kinda but not that much lol
400.Do you play an instrument?; nope sure don't but i wouldn't mind learning how to play one lol hehe
401.Know what you want to be when you get older?; couselor, psychologist, social worker, that type of deal
402.Ever been out of state?; yeah sure have hehe
403.Out of the country?; nope unfourtunatly not
404.Do you like to travel?; yeah i do like to travel hehe
405.What do YOU think of the way you look?; i think im ugly but thats my opinion and i believe others would agree
406.What do YOU think about your attitude?; i think my attitude is okay i suppose
407.What do you think about life after death?; im not sure
408.What do you think about karma?; awesome shit
409.What do you think about love?; once you love you never stop loving
410.What do you think about fate?; its okay i suppose
411.What do you think about yourself?; i learn to live with myself, seeing that im okay and all i suppose lol hehe
412.What do you tell yourself if times get hard?; i cry, i dwell on it for a while, then i go on, and dwell on it still every once in a while
413.What would you give your life for?; now it sucks a big fat juicy lolly pop
414.What do you think about your first love?; i was never in true love hehe
415.What do you think about the first person that loved you?;has anyone really loved me in that way? nope
416.What are you scared of?; frogs, losing someone im close to, being alone
417.Do you cry easily?; yeah i do im very emotional
418.Who/What is something/someone that has touched you?; my family and friends
419.What was the saddest moment of your life?; not talking about that
420.What would life be without friends?; lonelier than i am now
421.Without family?; pretty much the loneliest ever for me
422.Without you?; uh life would prolly be better w/o me i suppose
423.Are you deep?; as a fountain
424.Do you think love is once in a lifetime, or just chance?; not really sure actually
425.Do you like your town?; its really boring but okay for now i suppose
426.Do you wanna get out of your town?; yeah i do and i will someday when i am older lol hehe
427.What design/logo is on your mouse pad?; its blue bubbles hehe
428.What colour is your mouse pad?; blue
429.Drink a lot of water?; kinda sorta
430.Have a cell phone/beeper/etc.?; cell phone yeah i sure do have that
431.Do you like amusement parks?; yeah they okay i suppose
432.Have you ever been to 6 Flags?; yeah sure have its kool
433.What namebrand do you wear the most?; not sure lol hehe you already asked this question though
434.Do you like taking pictures?; yeah sure do
435.Do you like getting your picture taken?; nope sure don't
436.Do you have a tan?; nope sure don't im pale
437.Do you get annoyed easily?; yeah i do and especially if im in a bitchy or shitty mood
438.What are you hobbies?; nothing really in particular lol hehe
439.Do you have your own phone/phone line?; nope not really we have a phone line and the dsl thingy and my cell phone and my moms cell phone
440.Do you have any posters/pinups on your bedroom walls?; nope a calender, some puzzles, and a couple of posters that have designs on them lol
441.Are you sick of this survey yet?; kinda but im THAT damn bored
442.Do you get good grades in school?; yeah i suppose average grades are good enough for you?
443.How do you vent your anger?; scream, cry, take it out on someone such as my parents, write about it, talk about it
444.Are you a role model?; nope i seriously doubt that i wish i were though
445.Who do you look up to?; rhonda b/c shes like a big sister and best friend to me all at once, how awesome is that?
446.Who do you trust the most?; you asked that i already said rhonda and my parents of course
447.Do you have any piercings?; yeah my ears, top of left ear, and belly button, but i want more lol hehe
448.Do you have any tattoos?; nope but i do want some or atleast one hehe lol
449.Do you dream a lot?; yeah i sure do
450.Do you daydream a lot?; yeah i sure do which even during a conversation which sux lol hehe
451.Have you had a nightmare lately?; nope not that i remember them anyways hehe
452.Do you have any allergies?; nope not that i can think lol hehe
453.Do you have any health problems?; eye problems in the past, migraines, depression, bipolar, adhd/add, sinus problems and i think that is all i can think of at the moment lol hehe
454.Do you like animals?; yeah i love animals hehe
455.Do you have any pets?; yeah lol a dog
456.Do you like siblings?; yeah four
457.Do you have glasses/contacts?; had them before not anymore
458.Do you have braces?; had them before not anymore hehe
459.Do you have a job?; not anymore had a little tiny one before though
460.Have you ever been fired from a job?; nope
461.Who did YOU want to be President?; not sure lol don't know and not old enough to vote anyways
462.Who would you vote for, if anyone, & why?; idk really lol hehe
463.Do you have a curfew?; im sure i do but i don't go out alot so who knows lol hehe
464.Are you a vegetarian?; nope sure aint lol hehe
465.Could you be a vegetarian?; nope doubtfully
466.Have you ever thought about suicide?; yeah sure have
467.Do you like coffee?; yeah sure do like it really coffee milk
468.Do you have a sweet tooth?; yeah i think so lol hehe
469.Do you like horror movies?; yeah they are one of my favorite types of movies lol hehe
470.Do you like to spend or save your money?; a little bit of both i guess lol hehe
471.Do you keep your room clean?; not really lol but yeah kinda sorta b/c my parents make me lol hehe
472.Do yours well?; what the hell?
473.Do you eat vegetables?; some of them
474.Are you a flirt?; not really anymore but i use to be
475.Are you good at flirting?; yeah i suppose lol hehe
476.Do you like to go to parties?; yeah i suppose
477.Do you still go trick or treating?; nope i don't go no more since im older
478.Are you an angel or a little devil?; a little bit of both i suppose
479.Do you get along with people?; yeah i guess so kinda sorta
480.Have you ever just started dancing/singing in the middle of somewhere?; yeah lol in a gas station parking lot listening to the radio in the car with rhonda lol haha
481.Have you ever won anything?; yeah i think so lol a long time ago
482.Do you have a waterbed or a regular bed?; regular bed lol hehe
483.What size?; double
484.Do you get bored easily?; yeah i kinda do but its been a while
485.Do you play golf?; no i don't play golf
486.Do you play miniature golf?; not really and when i do its not often
487.Do you like tennis?; nope b/c i suck at it
488.Are you flexible?; kinda sorta
489.Are you a sweetheart?; i can be sometimes lol hehe
490.Would you like to be cloned?; hell freaking no damnit
491.What are your opinions on cloning?; kiss my ass about cloning me
493.Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?; what the hell?
494.Did you like this survey?; its really long
495.Are you sorry you began filling it out?; not too sure didn't have much else to do anyways so whatever lol hehe
496.What questions do you wish it had asked?; whatever i don't care im not the one that made the damn survey huh?
497.How would you have answered them?; who knows?

498.When was the last time you let the people you love/people who are important to you know you love them/that they are important to you?; today i suppose i think yep
499.What do you want the people who are reading this survey to know?; that i dont have that much of a life b/c i don't have alot of friends or anything so i decided to fill out this damn survey for the hell of it and b/c i was bored as shit

500.What time is it?; 8:19 P.M.
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