Year One, CHECK.

Jun 08, 2010 05:50

Well, I have officially finished my first year of grad school at SCAD…got my marks and I recieved a 4.0, which I’ll go ahead and say I’m rather proud of

The quarter (and year, for that matter) was very productive, informative and exciting.  I’ve enjoyed my time at SCAD thus far, the folks I’ve had the opportunity to work with and the direction things are heading for next year.  The bulk of my work to come will be on my thesis, but I hope to work on some side projects as well.

For now, here’s an art dump of most of my work for the quarter, enjoy perusing it!

2D Character 2 Final:

embedded by Embedded Video

My pièce de résistance for the quarter…the epic 18 second Madame Medusa dialogue piece.  So much time spent on this, but I really did love doing it (even despite the hideous character design…she was actually kinda fun to make look as disgusting as possible
).  Quote is Madeline Kahn from Clue, character is Madame Medusa from Disney’s The Rescuers.  Some tweaks I’d like to go back and put in, but on the whole I think the performance is there and I’m quite pleased with it.

Concept Art:

3 concept pieces for a friend’s senior project All In. He wanted a flat, graphic art-deco inspired look, but with the textured grittiness to depict a grimy basement speakeasy. This film goes into production next year and I should be helping out on the environments, look forward to more updates!

Concept I’m currently working on for a fellow Grad student’s thesis project. Enjoying this project a lot just for the experience even if my work doesn’t get used…it’s fun to draw on my time in Japan for arts sake.

Background Painting:

I was also asked to help out with some background paintings for a short film called Girl and the Fox. Originally I was brought on to help color, then asked to animate some scenes, then paint backgrounds, so it was cool to see all the different steps of the process, haha. Project is still ongoing, but here are some of the WIP paintings:

The landscape has been particularly enjoyable, and fun because I get to draw on my Alasakan background for it, hee.

Random Painting Practice:

And just for fun, here’s some just-for-fun stuff I’ve been doing to keep busy:

Cardinal Chang, Dr. Svenson and Miss Temple, respectively…3 main characters from the book Glass Books of the Dream Eaters, highly recommended. Done as an intro to texture brushes in photoshop.

And to end, a couple silly self-portraits:

Xposted from Nate's fancy blog, A Progress in Work....
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