I just came across some fucking hilarious posts from WAY back in the day. Enjoy.
I can say a very few things about myself, aside from the fact that I may be an attention whore.
The few things are:
1) If you don't like being kept on your toes by a crazy little free-spirit, such as myself, you'd better turn right around and have nothing to do with me.
2) I've been told, more than once, that there ain't a soul in this world as spunky, unique, or luminescent as mine. Apparently I light up a room, and have contageous smiles. =)
3) As narcissistic as I am *not*, I somehow model occasionally for friends or websites. Don't ask me to find you pics, they seem to disappear as soon as I've found them. (namely from thealone.com)
Anyway, I'd like to think that I'm pretty much the coolest person I know, and if you don't agree, you can go to hell =)
5:04 pm
Most of you will probably never be able to grasp the monument of a man that is Sean Robinson. He fucks up, he fucks shit up, he fucks...he's a real son of a bitch at times too. God, I hate this guy, but I love him all the same. I miss him, though we've had maybe a handful of face-to-face meetings. He makes you laugh, he makes you cry, he makes you want to blow shit up. I would really like to pay him a decent tribute one of these days, but nothing on this god-foresaken planet is on par with his luminescent, furious glory. Sean, I hope you can see how you affect people. Not just the way you affect "chicks in the sack," but how you affect the people that stick around despite your neglect. lol. Not that you mean to ignore certain people. Those few people who are always trying to give you some good advice, trying to let you know that you have this magnetic glow about you. It's been said a million times before, I'm sure, but your personality is unparalleled in this bleak physical universe. You, my friend, are a god among men.
12:55 am - I'm a dirty whore!
Hello all, my name is Lindsey, am I like to cheat on the countless number of people that I have slept with. The best thing that ever happened to me, AKA Joe, I cheated on with some young retard cocktopus that I will dump sometime around the end of the year when I am shipped to IRAQ to die. That is if I weren't a crazy bitch that can't go cause of meds, but I'll probably lie or sleep (the preferred method) my way out of that as I always do. I hope everyone that reads this dies by anal laceration because livejournal is for whiny bitches that like to masturbate while eating feces.
A woman's job now consists of:
-Anal (which I love)
-Swallowing loads
-and shutting up
I am going to go cut myself and cry now, or better yet, i'll burn myself with a lighter, because thats more hardcore.
I hate you all, so fuck the hell off
Love, Lindsey "Big Fat Cunt" DODGE
PS REVENGE EXACTED ( burn in hell bitch =p )
current mood: CUNTISH
current music: Music that I'm not cool enough to listen to