Pasty Shade Of Winter ...

May 26, 2005 02:50

So goes my skin tone. Or is that a *HEALTHY* shade 'o' pale?
Hey there's something to be said for avoiding the sun- I still
get carded for ciggies and I'm going on FORTY next week!

Bwahahahah ... or is that Waaaaaaahhhh?

Your condolences are appreciated.

Settling into my temporary home ...

out in Edgewood Kentucky. STILL unpacking this shit.
STILL planning on the ''Estate Sale'' Of The Year.
Looks like THAT will occur on Saturday, June 18th @this
point. Given the sheer number of people who plan on popping
over here for that to sell their stuff as well- it will look
more like a huge flea market. It's all good- the more goods
you have visible from the street the gooder the getting the
goodies are for the goods-minded folk who want a bargain.

Which leads me to something else- people are cheap asses.
So it were with past yard/garage/estate sales I've experienced.
Ask a ''reasonable'' dollar for say- a set of old steak knives
and someone tries to chisel you down to a damn quarter. I say
do this- ask for $5 for that same set 'o' knives, then let them
talk you down to $2 or even $1.

Now spinning @Purgatory EVERY Tuesday, from 10pm-2:30am-
in the BACK room. I guess it'll be allright. My "following"
can follow me back there. Although more loungy than dancy,
the type of music I play may yet inspire people to dance
anyway ... as it will be hard to resist ;-).

For those of you wanting on the guest list- EMAIL:

Housewarming and Two-Person Birthday Party here at the house-
EMAIL for directions. I MIGHT allow y'all to come over.
NO GIFTS please! Trying to unload junk here over the course
of the summer. Instead- BYOB. We'll be cooking out too.

The Metro/Clubhous Reunion Party Too(2) will be happening
two weeks from today @Jacob's Bar:

Thursday, June 9, 2005
*FREE food and all that good stuff
*DJ's- Yours Truly, Jonathan Clark & others TBA
*NO Cover

And now for the BAD:
Those of you who've owed me $$$ for some time now-

F.U.C.K. Y.O.U. You ineffective little leaches who
want to try and use others, then come up with some
stupid, twisted justification for your behavior or
lack of responsibility.

An Open Message to the Dago-Pasta-Greazee-WOP:
Better find that fuckin' motorcycle key. IT is
MY bike, simply put. If not within a week you'll find
yourself in yet another bad situation with a lawsuit
slapped on you by Yours Truly.

Poetic Justice- when some 400 lb. porker you're 90 lb.
greasy little icky slimy ass has been boning puts her
WEIGHT into the situation and breaks your bones and then
proceeds to suffocate you with the tonnage. I'll LMAO.

You lil' prick.

2.] To all you other psychic vamps- again.
Watch me oh-so-subtly turn your repressive presence back
on you and D-E-S-T-R-O-Y you. I laugh heartily and
delightfully. Tired of it all ...


Allen- for your support and hard work. Your efforts DO
get rewarded! Perhaps I'll even make it over for a night
of QAF as Yours Truly never gets a chance to watch T.V.
Not that there's much on worth watching anyway ...

Gerri- for hanging tough. Your powers are just budding!

Mandy- for supporting me and helping out w/ the cooking
at the parties and such. AND- for helping me clean the
old pad out. Steak dinner I owe you grrl!

EVERYONE Else- from the clubs and beyond; for your support
and showing up to support Yours Truly in my only truly artistic
endeavor. Certainly the ''mixes'' go beyond what others are
capable of. Your vibes however- are what inspire me. If you're
lively then so be I. Your collective desire for something
Truly ''Different'' in this town is the thing that keeps me

To that future husband- Okay, not quite. It WILL be soup soon.
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