Title: Four Times Rodney McKay Got Shot Saving the Day (And One Time He Didn’t)
linziday Genre/rating: Gen, PG13 (language, violence)
Spoilers: None that I can think of past season 2
Disclaimer: SGA and its characters are mine, all mine! Bwahahaha. *cough* Um. Never mind.
AN: Written for
astridv , who won this fic through the
help_haiti auction. Her prompt was
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Comments 59
I am tearing up, this is so sweet.
I missed your delightful story when it was first posted. I'm glad it got recced today.
I liked your reluctant action-hero!Rodney, but I was most entertained by the lengths he went to for donos bars. As someone who was never good at sports, it was fun to see Rodney outlasting his team, being cheered on, and winning at the end.
Donos bars... I know I would probably go to great lengths for them. *g*
Nice example as well of how Rodney changed: he's still loud, complains constantly and could be the go that sunk Manhatten but that bravery he always had gets aired more often and he's component now with a gun.
Especially loved:
“He just had an epiphany.’
Ronon looked at him over his shoulder. “There’s usually more yelling.”
“Different kind of epiphany,”
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