Quizzes for no reason other than that I'm bored.

Aug 14, 2005 15:23

You're "Electrical Storm." You tend to
stay in the background a bit. Elegant
understatement is your forte, and though you
get the job done you don't have to have mucho
props to do it. Still, sometimes you actually
deserve those props - don't be afraid to go
find 'em!

Which U2 Song Are You?
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That one caught me off-gaurd. I was expecting "With or Without You" or something but this is very nice. First U2 song I ever learned, was my favorite for a while. Yes, yes, this does nicely.

You are Bono!! You want to save the world in your
tinted shades. You are an idol to us all.

How obvious. The attention whore who fronts a band and sings? I don't front a band, but otherwise, duh.

Rattle and Hum U2

Which U2 are you?
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The Giant PopMart Mirror Ball Lemon!

What POP U2 item are you?
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The Joshua Tree

Which random U2 object are you?
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Poor, poor tree. Note to self: When visiting Dublin, that earpiece shop, that one airport and other U2 things on honeymoon, go to this site.

100% U2 fan!

Are you a U2 fan?
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HA! Sixteen months of U2 love is paying off.

img src="http://images.quizilla.com/P/PassionNWarfare/1051689142_CHanDBresult-l80s.jpg" border="0" alt="You are all about the "desertic" U2.">
The Unforgettable Fire / The Joshua Tree / Rattle
And Hum era. You're all about the late 80s.

What U2 era fits you?
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So sad that all of this went on before I was born.

You chose blue eyes.
You're a very smart, intelligent person. You like
to take things apart, and see how they work,
and sometimes put them back together again. In
your class, you're probably the student who
raises your hand the most, soaking up all
knowledge for future purposes. Sometimes you
can be a bit of a know it all, and you kind of
always have to be right.

The Eye color personality test
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You chose blue-green eyes.

My eyes are both, so deal with it.

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