Mandy and I on the fact that I'm going to marry Tim Gunn.
Hi Yvi! >:D
lionessfreedom: lol go sleep. Why am I not tired?
dizzydame: LOL
dizzydame: well, this will be problematic.
dizzydame: because at 5 am you will falla sleep and not wake up until 5 PM
dizzydame: and i will have all day to go "where's shawn? what happened to shawn?"
lionessfreedom: I have to get up at some point tomorrow because I promised Sandro I'd go see V For Vendetta and come home and squeal with him about it
lionessfreedom: ROFLMAO!
dizzydame: LOL
lionessfreedom: I went to Red Lobster with Tim.
dizzydame: LMAO
dizzydame: YOU SLUT.
dizzydame: andrae will kill you.
dizzydame: or at least wave his hands about and curse in a british accent
lionessfreedom: Santino will just have to keep him busy
dizzydame: oh he wil
dizzydame: mouth, meet cock.
lionessfreedom: Because damnit, Tim Gunn and I are in L-O-V-E.
dizzydame: Will you let me come to your wedding?
dizzydame: Will Tim Gunn be critiquing hte bridesmaid dresses?
lionessfreedom: ROFLMAO! Of course he will. And of course you can come.
lionessfreedom: I could so see Tim at a wedding. "Carry on!"
dizzydame: LMAO
dizzydame: "I'm sorry, Reverand. You have to be more timely with the vows. You can do better, I know it. Make it work!"
lionessfreedom: "Do you take this woman --" "Wait, wait... this concerns me. *fixes something on Shawn's dress* Okay, carry on, Father."
dizzydame: LMFAO
lionessfreedom: ...Not that Shawn will be wearing a dress.
lionessfreedom: Because Shawn doesn't wear dresses.
dizzydame: Have Nick make you as uit.
dizzydame: *snickers*
lionessfreedom: YES!