Ok, so I feel like we are the only common room here that isn't doing anything interesting and posting in order to get to know each other better and all. So I thought that what they were doing in the Hufflepuff community was pretty cool and I just wanted to start it here too. (I really don't mean to be copying them or whatever...I hope they don't
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Comments 7
How Did You Get Into Harry Potter?: I started reading quite a few years ago, but I didn't really become obsessed until a coupld of months ago. Since then I have read the series 6+ times, and HBP 8 times.
Do You Want To Be In Gryffindor?: Yep, :).
How did you get into Harry Potter: I read all six books just a month ago :)
Do you want to be in Gryffindor: I have a soft spot for them because I know, from, erm, being open with who I truly am - qualities and not, that I belong here.
How do you know what's happening in the other communities?
How Did You Get Into Harry Potter?: Started in middle school and have read the entire series 9 times and HBP 3 times (yeah--gotta catch up...) ;)
Do You Want To Be In Gryffindor?: DUH!! Who wouldn't!!!!
so who knows what we're all actually supposed to be doing IN the common rooms?
How Did You Get Into Harry Potter?: My third grade teacher read The Sorcerer's Stone to our class and surprisingly, amazingly and terribly, I hated it. I was insane and re-read it myself in fourth grade and finally fell, and been in love ever since.
Do You Want To Be In Gryffindor?: Oh course! Even the name is cool :P
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