Title: Dangerous Games
Part 7: Dangerous Games Part 7: A chef, three servers and a bus boy
Part 6: Eye of the Storm Part 5:Fate worse than Death Part 4:Blood on the AsphaltPart 3: Deep Impact Part 2: Faith in Strangers Part 1: Into the Heart of Texas Verse: Custom
Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure, Action
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Year: October 1998
Characters: Cassandra, Seth, James Gysborne, Various people
Synopsis: Cassie takes a job and ends up way over her head
“My name is Autumn Summers, and I’m from NBC News, It appears the river walk has been the target of several bombings this afternoon. Two fugitives are suspected of planting the explosions at the river walk. Please know they are armed and dangerous. If you have any leads on them please contact us.” The newscaster showed a picture of Cassie and Seth while a number scrolled past the screen.
“Tragedy struck a small local community just outside San Antonio. A lion on transport to the San Diego Zoo killed six locals. Animal control contained the threat. And on another note, we have two wanted fugitives in the state of Texas.”
“WHEEL!!!! OF!!!! FORTUNE!!!!!”
“I just love that Vanna White, she has the prettiest dresses, and can I get you any peach pie? It’s homemade and a family recipe,” Darleen, held her pen poised over her notepad while she jotted down a customer’s order.
“Sure thing darlin’ I’d love some peach pie.”
Born and raised in Texas, Darleen worked at the local diner, since she was 16 and stayed with them ever since. Although she longed for a more exciting life, she wouldn’t trade it for the world. Walking over to the back counter, she posted the order on the spindle and rested her hands on the counter. “Don’t you just wish somethin’ excitin’ would happen here?”
“No,” the cook wiped his grimy hands on his white apron. “Excitement leads to bad things.”
“I know,” Darleen, said staring dreamily into space. “But somethin’, anythin’ just to make it more interesting. Maybe some swashbuckling pirate will come in and sweep me of my feet.”
“When you come back down to reality, I got your order ready for table 13.” The cook said.
“We need to ditch the Van,” It was the first time she spoke in hours . “Look, there’s a diner right there and a lot of motorcycles lined up. We could easily just trade one. Look you can even park around the back; I have some money and can get you something to eat.”
“We’re still a ways away and you can park around back. It’s the most logical thing to do right now.” Cassie said.
“I’m starved,” Seth said and pulled around the back.
“Sir, the signal has stopped moving.” Agent Sanders began typing on the laptop he used to follow the vans GPS signal. “I have them about 60 miles due south at,” he hit enter, “At the following address.”
Gysborne opened one eye and gave the agent a glare as if to say you better not have woken me up for a false alarm. Glancing at his watch, he was lucky he caught three hours of sleep. “All right, let’s see what we got here.” He looked at the location, “We got a mobile team down near that area. What do we have on the staff inside the diner?”
“A chef, three servers and a bus boy.” Agent Sanders said as he stared at the satellite image that allowed him to see inside the diner. “I see the man and the woman sitting inside. I’ve established contact with Bravo Team and they can be at the diner in 10 minutes.”
“Give me the phone,” Gysborne impatiently held out his hand and as soon as Agent Sanders placed the phone in it he immediately began to talk to the person on the other end. “With whom am I speaking too?”
“Gysborne, it’s Harper.”
“Harper, Good to hear it’s you and not somebody incompetent on the other end. I got something for your team to do. Two mutants need to be captured. Can you do it?”
Agent Harper listened as Gysborne spoke on the other end. “Sounds like cake-walk boss.”
Disconnecting the call, he walked inside the briefing room. “We have a situation. Two Mutants about 10 minutes from here at that dive diner we all eat at. This is going to be quick, but if it doesn’t go smoothly then it’s going to end up messy. Agent Smith, I need enough tranquilizers that’s powerful to knock out an elephant and then I want you to increase the dosage by 50 percent. The man we’re dealing with is an Ex-Army Ranger with a healing factor,” he said.
“Are you insane? This is suicide mission-“
“Do not interrupt me when I’m talking. Agent Wesson, you’re going inside in civilian clothes, blend in like the local. Agent Smith, you’re going to take out the chef and slip your tranquilizer into their drinks. Make sure it’s undetectable and has no taste. With the males healing factor, he’ll fight it off quick so it needs to be strong. Get to work.”
“Agent Ortiz,” he said to the only female in the room. “You’re going to have to talk to the woman who work there, explain the situation, sympathize with them, let them know you’re on their side and there to protect them. The rest of you will stay outside with sniper rifles. And one last thing,” Harper paused, “We need shackles and a cell with electrified bars ready.”
“What about the female? Does she pose any threats?” Agent Ortiz asked.
“She kill you with her thoughts alone, but if she’s knocked out, then there isn’t much to worry about. As long as you keep her cuffed with enough current, she can’t do diddly-squat. Get a move on.”
10 minutes later, the team was assembled. Agent Ortiz walked in through the back door and explained that they had wanted fugitives inside the diner and she was going to pose as one of the servers. “You’re doing a good deed for your country.”
Darleen bounced on her heels, she was so excited, “God Bless America!” She said.
Smith didn’t use the same tactic as Ortiz, he simply drugged the chef with Atropine, dragged him to the walk in freezer and locked the door. Tying an apron around his waist, he looked out from behind the counter and kept his eye on Seth and Cassie.
Wesson casually walked inside, looking like any other biker and waited to be seated. Ortiz walked over, in a borrowed uniform and seated him behind the booth shared by Seth and Cassie.
Cassie felt her seat lift up slightly as the man sat down behind her. She was studying the menu and the operation went so smoothly she never noticed the chef or the server were different people. The cable went out on the television near the counter. “Dammit, the cable went out again. All we got is PBS and it looks like a Red Dwarf Marathon is on.” Darleen bellowed across the restaurant not realizing Harper cut the cable and the phone lines on the outside.
“I like Red Dwarf,” she said softly and turned to look glance at the TV before turning her eyes back to the menu. Ever since reality set in, she’d been subdued, to the point of almost being stoic. No matter how many times she told herself it was self-defense, she knew she’d live with the guilt for the rest of her life.
She hated uncomfortable silences, and always felt the need to fill them up with words. Which is why most of the time people found her annoying. To be honest, she really didn’t care, but right now, she actually did.
Ortiz came up to the table, “Can I get you two started with a drink?” She smiled at Cassie and then turned her attention to Seth, flashing him a large smile to show her perfect white teeth.
“Lemonade and a grilled cheese sandwich,” she handed her menu to Ortiz.
“And what will you have?” Ortiz asked Logan.
“The patty melt and a Water,” Seth said.
“We’ll have that right up for you,” Ortiz said.
Cassie’s stomach growled and she licked her dry lips. She reached over to pick up the small glass loaded with crayons and a few tiny pencils. She turned her placemat upside and grabbed two pencils. One she discreetly placed one up her sleeve, while the other she began to doodle.
Ortiz walked up to Smith and gave them the order. “Wants water, he’s smart, and my feminine charms aren’t working on him.”
“Who are you kidding? You don’t have any feminine charms.” Smith said and took the slip of paper. He grabbed a glass and ran it under the tap. Setting it down he opened up his special homemade drug and let it dissolve in the water. Taking the glass, he walked back into the freezer so nobody would notice as he smelled it. He couldn’t see anything and the drug was clear.
Ten minutes later, he prepared the food. The patty melt was scorched, the grilled cheese was perfect. He handed the food and drinks over the counter to Ortiz with the glasses of spiked lemonade and water and sent her back to the table. She placed the water in front of Seth and the lemonade in front of Cassie. “Enjoy.”
Wesson, the agent sitting behind Cassie stood up and walked over to them. “Ya’ll gonna use that ketchup on the table?” he asked in a friendly manner. “You two traveling cross country? I’m doing that myself. Thought I’d take a break. Headin’ down to Mexico where the drugs are cheap and so are the woman!”
He gave a loud chuckle and a knowing glance towards seth.
Cassie handed him the ketchup and twirled the pencil between her fingers. “Go away.” she said simply.
“Now darlin’ don’t be rude to your elders,” he said taking the ketchup from her with a sinister smile on her face.
“Don’t be rude when talking about woman,” she sneered and then turned around to look at the window.
“I bet she’s a handful!” He said turning towards Seth.
“Yeah,” Seth said to the man but he was staring at Cassie. “She is,” he ended softly. “But she’s right, you shouldn’t disrespect woman, no matter the profession.”
“Pussy whipped are ya?” The man laughed.
Seth stood up and cracked his neck, “You best head back to your table brother or I’m gonna be busting up that already ugly ass nose of yours.”
Oh great now they’re going to have some testosterone pissing contest Cassie thought. Although in the end, she knew who’d win. “Look nobody told you to come up to the table and act like an ass-“
Wesson cut her off, “Was just making friendly conversation. Do you have a problem with that?” He asked.
Gysborne and his team were still thirty minutes away, and Smith wasn’t sure how long his tranquilizers would knock out Seth. None of the three had comm units on them and was flying blind on this mission. All they had to rely on was Harper, the men surrounding the place and their expertise that it wouldn’t go sour. One slip up and it could jeopardize the mission. He signaled Ortiz and she came over with two beers.
“Let’s not fight boys,” she set down the unopened bottle of beer in front of Seth and handed the other to Wesson. “On the house,” she shoved it in his hand as if to say back off soldier, it isn’t time yet.
“This ain’t over-“Wesson pointed his finger at Seth. “Not by a long shot.”
Smith looked at his watch from the kitchen and pulled out the tranquillizer guns. He’d start prepping them. In 15 minutes he’d shoot first, ask questions later.
“Can we just leave?” She mouthed across the table. “I have to go to the ladies room.”
She slid out of her seat and walked over to the bathroom. Thankfully, it was empty, but then the diner wasn’t very packed. She hoped up on the sink and looked outside the tiny window near the ceiling. Just as she was about to jump back down, she saw something that caught her attention. Shit, she said as her feet hit the floor. Taking a deep breath, she casually walked over to their table and sat back down.
Lifting her plate, she pulled out the placemat and slid it over to show her doodle. Taking one of the crayons, she idly began to doodle again. Except she wasn’t doodling, she was writing upside down so Seth could read what she had to say. When she was done, she laid down the crayon.
Camo Guys outside
At the exact same moment Cassie let go of the crayon, Smith decided to take out his tranquilizer gun and carefully aim at Seth and Cassie.