Hello every body!!("Hi Dr. Nick"!!!)

Aug 15, 2004 12:24

Well havent updated in a kewl sec and all
just wanted to say I've been going through alot of friendship changes and they seem to not be by my own causeing
recent events that occur just make it that way so hey
I'm alive and thats all the matters coo.

I was drawing guys check it out

I just Love thoes Days where the mind is moving insanly too fast that you just have to draw or play musaq!

Same Drawing just you know the scaner thinggy

And this here my friends is the coal pencil I had it's good
for that up in the front of your face type shyte bad for the camera

Thats all folks ;-)

Oop's I forgot it's words on that page...
well you can say like poem so I will write it out so you can know what the drawing is about or you can say saying
but it all has it's own meanings to certain people

I can feel my brain melting,
Like falling rain drops,
Down,cold,and shadowed;
diolation with smells of movement,
Fearful of the energy that lies behind the reflection in the mirror,
Demonic actions at play,

Around only to find your-self behind,
You live only in the corners,
Driving me insane with "White Paranoia",
And the small cracks are crying,

Vibraiting vessles mixed with a hard liquid,...

"Stop" is not a word in your reality,
"Move" is just a term that sokes in to carress you;
and aches to leave but only to find return and stay Powerful


I hope that wasn't too off in the brain just stimulaiting..heheee

(oopp's again i just wanted to note that it's
a shit-load of crap going on in my drawings and that
it would be a kewl Idea to save it to your computer and
look at it on photo shop to you can rotate the drawing to
see other kewl figures,shapes,faces,and shadows.
Ok now I'm really hopeing this is finaly a..... "I'm out" moment
soo I say
"I'm out"
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