I haven't done one of these memes in ages. It'd probably be easier to fill all of the slots if I did it for more than one fandom, but I'm just going to see if I can do it for HiNaBN fandom. I'm not tagging anyone, but if you're a fandom friend this might be amusing to read (if you haven't heard this crap from me already in other contexts).
(Any type het, slash or femmeslash)
#1. Worth/Conrad
#2. Worth/Lamont
#3. Hanna/Zombie
#4. Casimiro/Finas
#5. Conrad/Veser
#6. Worth/Hanna
#7. Veser/Ples
#8. Veser/Lee
#9. Lamont/Veser
#10. Conrad/Toni
#11. Ples/Toni
#12. Conrad/Lamont
#13. Conrad/Hanna
#14. Ples/Abner
1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?
I dislike it because in a fandom FULL OF GAY, Ples is the one character actually stated by Tessa to be gay. Therefore, anything done with the Ples/Toni pairing is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE and non-canon and I hate when people deliberately ignore established canon. Even in an AU, I'd dislike it, since I think a person's sexuality is part of their character and shouldn't be changed for an AU for no reason. I can, however, get behind someone writing Toni having a bit of a crush on Ples, so long as it remains unrequited.
2. Who do you know that ships #13?
Oxytreza, Typing, and whoever that HannaFalkCross person on ygal is. Oxy and Typing are actually working together to convert me to the pairing, and HannaFalkCross started a project where they're writing a THOUSAND drabbles for the pairing, and Oxy and Typing are going to color them.
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
Hanna and Zombie? They have like the perfect relationship to me (if you disregard Zombie being dead and all). Zombie seems like the most understanding and level-headed person you could ever come across, and his general blandness of emotion goes really well with Hanna's CRAZY AND SPAZZY. My ideal scenario is just Zombie continuing to protect and look after Hanna until Hanna finally confesses romantic sorts of feelings, and then just remaining devoted for the rest of Hanna's life. Tessa told me Zombie is more like a mummy than a real zombie, and mummies last for centuries, so I imagine Zombie will be there for Hanna's eventual death even if he lives to a ripe old age. It's like, mind-numbingly sweet.
4. What is your favorite moment for #1?
HAHAHA. If I can count times when Conrad wasn't actually present, Worth calling him Count Fagula. Also Hanna telling Conrad that Worth is "kind of keen on" him, and the fact that when Hanna is in trouble, Conrad runs to WORTH. C'mon, to me that's sweet.
5. How long have you been following couple #6?
I have my policy of being really accepting of pairings so long as you can pitch it to me/make me believe the scenario, so I was always open to the Worth/Hanna pairing. The reason I actually ship it something awful now is because of the twitter RP and writing Worth against a most adorable Hanna. Which means I've really only been shipping hardcore for maybe a month.
6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring?
The fact that the more I talked with people, the more the pairing seemed doomed and like it could never work, even if Lee hadn't died. I've come to think that Lee totally dropped the ball with Veser, and that he could have done SUCH a better job of helping Ves or protecting him from his father's abuse, even if his father was Lee's best friend. I still like the idea of Veser having an attachment to Lee that was in ways more like a crush than just dependence, but I wouldn't want to read fic just about the Lee/Veser pairing. I'd rather have it in a story shipping something else as a failure of the past.
7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4?
Worth/Lamont or Casimiro/Finas. Ohh, that's HARD, and mostly because I see both pairings in a miraculously similar way. They're both the cases of "these two have been together for so long and understand each other so well that I can't NOT ship them." Their chemistry is just undeniable to me. I'm going to have to go with Worth/Lamont by a hair, simply because it's something I've written out a good bit myself, while everything with Finas and Casimiro is pretty much still in my head.
8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
Conrad/Toni was the one that always used to make me RAEG, because my Conrad is WAY TOO GAY for any woman. Toni makes an excellent BFF and fag-hag, but the relationship disgusts me. However, my hate for Lamont/Conrad has been building with every day, so that's the one I would eliminate. If it was gone, all of my friends who write and draw it would be able to STOP THAT and just work on things that I will enjoy. Yes, I am immensely selfish. (And it's hilarious because I LIKE the idea of Lamont and Worth ganging up on Conrad threesome style. The problem is, I hate it as a RELATIONSHIP. I hate the idea of Conrad and Lamont as a couple. If it's Worth and Lamont pretty much just USING Conrad, I'm totally behind that. Because I'm a cunt.)
9. What interests you about #14?
Ples/Abner. I first started thinking about it when Taylor wrote some cute Ples/Abner stuff at another friend's request. And the more I thought about it, the more perfect it began. I used to ship Veser with Ples, but I'm liking that less and less and really wanted a couple with Ples that I could actually like. He and Abner could actually have a really cute relationship, because while other people outside them might see it as dysfunctional, it works for them. Abner is a mysophobe and will only touch people he considers "safe." Ples is perhaps more machine than person, and therefore might just be UNABLE to contaminate Abner. To me, that's sweet.
10. When did you stop liking #7?
Veser/Ples. Well, the problem is that I didn't like it that much to start. I started writing it because of the kink meme and having this idea that I thought was really awesome using time and playing on Veser's past and his insecurities. I originally liked the pairing because of Tessa's joke doodles of Veser hitting on Ples. But there were just other pairings I liked so much better for Veser, and so many of my good friends in fandom dislike the pairing. I just figured my time and effort were better spent on things my friends and I would both enjoy more.
11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series?
Haha, not at all, considering that Lamont and Veser haven't even visibly met in the comic. It's not that I totally hate Lamont/Veser now. I just realize that I can't handle writing it myself, and I don't care enough to read fic JUST about the two of them. I still think it's a fun side-pairing when paired with other couples I like better, and I'll still read it from Talc because she's just awesome about it.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #1?
HAHAHA oh god maybe I should be embarrassed, but All Downhill From Here by New Found Glory. I love the everliving FUCK out of this song, and listened to some of New Found Glory's stuff since really getting into fandom, and now I can't help imagining Conrad singing it about Worth. Come on. "You contradict the fact that you still want me around." I imagine Worth playing off shit with Conrad like he's just getting his rocks off and being bitten plays into his masochism nicely. "I can tell you're going through the motions"; "once again we're playing off emotions." So Worth keeps doing it, going through the motions, because it works, but in the end he shafts himself. He's not going to want to give things up, because it works so WELL. (My Worth also frequently thinks of Conrad as a thing, just like a scalpel he'd cut himself with is a thing.) And playing off emotions? Come ON. Conrad has the worst fucking temper, and Worth is always baiting him. I fucking love it.
13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
Conworth, sigh. It's my OTP, I can't deny that by now. Although I'm digging Worth/Hanna an awful lot because of the RP, and whenever Rimon and I are RPing consistently Conrad/Veser owns a large chunk of my heart.
14. Which do you dislike the most?
Ugh, Lamont/Conrad. I really wish it could be fucking obliterated. My BIGGEST problem is that most of the people I know who like it and write or draw it make Lamont seem like this prince charming who is going to be the perfect fucking boyfriend for Conrad. And that is so WRONG. COME. ON. Lamont is Worth's best friend; he is not anywhere near that nice, and Tessa has even pretty explicitly said that he's not the marrying type. Personally, a relationship between Lamont and Conrad would function a lot like one of WORTH with Conrad, but at least Worth is honest about being an asshole and about how little he cares for Conrad's feelings. I think Lamont would be the same damn way, except he'd hide it better. He'd keep fucking Worth, and keep fucking girls on the side, and if Conrad ever finds out, well, fuck him. He's not that good of a lay anyway.
I'd be fine with the damn pairing if anyone wrote it in a way that was believable to me, but I've seen too much of the happy fluffy shit to be able to take it in any form. I can ONLY stomach it in young!them, and that's probably because I get to shaft LAMONT in that version.
15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
HAHAHA oh gods. Conrad and Worth plus someone, because Conrad and Worth should never be on an actual date. I guess with Veser and Lamont or Veser and Hanna. I'd like Lamont to be on their date because he and Worth could gang up on Conrad and make him miserable, while Veser would probably taunt Conrad for his own reasons. Veser and Hanna would be on a date more as bros than ~OMG couple~ but they'd be having an awesome fucking time, and Conrad would just be MISERABLE and Worth would be very "what the shit is this, how did a date even happen" and not giving a fuck.
16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes.
Worth/Lamont. LOLOL. Tessa would probably say no, unless she maybe decided to let it have been some sort of drunken one-time thing they never talk about, but in my head... Fuck yes. They've known each other since they were kids, and in the version of the world where they fight and then they fuck, there's been kissing. Just not romantic kissing.
17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely?
Casimiro/Finas. Awwww. In the sense that they have eternity together? In some ways that's supposed to be a curse, but with their personalities they'll just live it up until the world falls apart around them. So yeah, I think they have a happy ending. They're bros for life, but also the perfect fucking couple. So balanced.
18. What would make you start shipping #14?
Well, I already do technically ship it, and think that it's really cute, but I don't write it myself. What would get me to write it is if I can finally see some interaction between Ples and Abner in the comic itself. That would be really great.
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6?
Worth/Lamont hands down. I like Worth/Hanna as more of a protective thing, and don't really see it as COUPLE-Y. Worth doesn't do couple-y, but I think he could maintain a sexual relationship plus overbearing deranged mother hen thing with Hanna long-term. It's basically what they already have. But Worth/Lamont wins because it's SO FUCKING CANON come on. I would love hardcore if Tessa actually said they've fucked, even once. For the most part I REALLY don't want ships in the comic, because I love it as itself, and I want to be able to ship what I like without deliberately going against canon. But if she said they'd fucked in the past? Basically nothing would even change. All of the shipping fans do would still be possible. It's just. Something I would like.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?
Conrad/Toni. They're BFFs and Toni finds a nice boy -- or girl -- to eventually settle down with and Conrad is there for her wedding and to be one of the most supportive people in her life despite being undead. They just don't have sex. Ever. The thing is that I think Conrad and Toni really ARE compatible, just not as a COUPLE who FUCK EACH OTHER. I'd love to see them getting along without some author's idea of sexual tension.