Sometimes Things Suck

Jun 08, 2019 16:26

Uhm.  Yeah.

I fall prey to the impulse to mostly write then things are good, not when things are bad, or when things I decided don’t quite turn out the way I’d wanted them to.

But that’s also a part of life and not blogging about the bad stuff means that I’m only bragging about the good.  Bleh.

So. )

family, jet, home, adventure, bees

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Comments 4

incandescens June 8 2019, 23:03:33 UTC
Much, *much* sympathy on all the hassle with the dental and the new house. What a nuisance, and what a lot of stress that you really didn't need.

I hope you have a lovely time staying with Karen, and that the new house gets sorted out soon.


liralen June 18 2019, 19:11:12 UTC
Thank you so much for the good wishes! They seem to have helped. We've landed well and truly in Karen's basement, and it's been a real godsend for both her and us.

It has been pretty stressful. *laughs* I can say that honestly.


darth_veyda June 17 2019, 14:24:13 UTC
Please, take care! I feel for you - I do remember that not-quite-homeless feeling when you have to pack your whole life into a bunch of crates before the weekend... and of course health problems pop up exactly when you could really do without them!

Good luck with the house situation - hope there is at least some progress ;)


liralen June 18 2019, 19:15:02 UTC
Thank you so much! Yes... everything away before the deadline, and I think the stress does tend to aggravate things that would normally be quite manageable, including the immune system.

There is some progress, but not quite as much as we would like. I'll keep my fingers crossed. We did manage to get everything out of the house by the walkthru deadline, and that's been a big load (ha ha) off our shoulders. I am grateful that John is starting to think of hiring movers to get us into the new house when it happens, as that will ease making it happen all at once instead of waiting on vanloads of goods.

But the City and the builders have to still resolve the problem and while the appropriate paperwork has now been filed, getting the City to make a decision on that is as much of a time sink as ever.


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