Dec 16, 2010 03:02
- 07:02:36: RT @xsingxmyxsong: I know you can be overwhelmed, and there's such a thing as underwhelmed, but can you ever just be ~whelmed?
- 07:03:41: I'm still asleep.
- 07:07:35: @ CaptainMVP I'm glad you got there safely.
- 07:16:15: @ yehwellwhatever lmao
- 07:19:56: Today's the bf's dad's bday who died 3 yrs ago this Christmas Eve. Should I go see the bf & surprise him? Should I let him mourn alone?
- 07:27:19: @ yehwellwhatever figured if I can talk while asleep, I can tweet!
- 07:29:40: @ yehwellwhatever lmao thanks
- 08:57:20: I'll say it again: Today's the bf's dad's bday. He died 3yrs ago this Christmas Eve. Should I go see the bf? Should I let him mourn alone?
- 09:48:29: @ aztecafeliz Te canto una nana?
- 09:57:17: @ cholinho Serás tú, que tienes la mente calenturienta... Yo estoy en el curro con la calefacción a tope, eso sí es luchar contra el frío!
- 10:03:24: @ cholinho Jajajajaja
- 10:44:04: I want to travel but I don't have money nor time. But I really want to go to Brussels with the bf someday.
- 10:53:11: @ cholinho No es listo ni ná, tu compañero...
- 11:05:57: My feed is dead or what? Where's everyone?
- 11:08:52: @ cholinho Los mexicanos son así... Por eso me busqué un español que no viera amor en todas partes ;-P
- 11:24:07: @ yehwellwhatever I thought so *shrugs*
- 11:26:35: @ yehwellwhatever Doing fine. Except for the fact that I may be a lil bit disappointed in myself.
- 11:30:21: @ yehwellwhatever Because I have high expectations for myself, so when I don't reach them, I tend to be too hard on myself.
- 11:35:57: @ yehwellwhatever Also, I tend to overthink everything, which is plainly horrible.
- 11:43:56: @ yehwellwhatever That would be the perfect Christmas gift, yeah.
- 11:50:17: @ cholinho Y salir en todas las teles y revistas?
- 11:52:55: @ cholinho Eso no lo hacían los peces en el río?
- 11:57:53: @ yehwellwhatever Like, for example, I had this idea, but I keep thinking it over and I end up confused and tired of thinking.
- 12:00:25: @ cholinho Y tú qué celebrarías? Que te habrías escaqueado del curro?
- 12:05:49: @ cholinho Mira, eso sí sería celebrar algo bueno y divertido, me sumo a la fiesta! Jajajaja
- 12:14:06: @ cholinho Cuantos más, mejor! Mira que me llevo a todos los de mi clase de japo más los de la clase de alemán de mi chico...
- 12:44:46: @ cholinho ¿Qué te ha pasado?
- 21:53:31: Gosh, I've changed a lot through the years.
- 22:02:05: @ cholinho Anda, como yo!
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