I guess anyone who is interested has already heard this track right?
I like it! Actually it's very beautiful, and I I love it. It's in slow time, a bit over stylized for my tastes but there's pain in the way she stretches out and ululates in parts. Voice quality is wonderful, the high notes soar and the song showcases both high and low ranges really very well. She nails it, IMO.
It's an interesting and well thought out arrangement with the low in the last line of the 1st verse, contrasted with coming in on a much higher octave in the last lines of the 2nd and 3rd verses. It's strange and interesting that those last lines fit the chorus better than they do the verses to which they 'belong'.
The very first line
is easy to do sounded like it's easy to and ... incomplete? I wondered it it was intentional or a diction thing and felt like it hadn't been finished. I was waiting for another syllable.
But still, beautiful.