VIP tickets for Emilie Autumn in Montreal on Wednesday, and let me just say it was glorious! Unfortunately, poor Emilie was pretty badly sick with laryngitis but she still gave it her all... which lead to her getting even sicker and having to cancel her Toronto shows (so instead of seeing her again last night, I'll be seeing her in March!)
The event started with the VIP meet & greet. EA played some classical pieces for us on her acoustic violin and then there was a signing and photo session. EA was unable to actually speak to any of us, as her handler would not allow her to speak and had not for 2 days already, but she mimed to say that she loved my outfit especially my top hat. I brought her two small gifts: a grey tank top with "the early rat catches the plague" on the front and a silhouette of a rat on the back, and a small rat figure with movable arms and tail made out of fimo. She seem to like them and indicated such quite clearly. I had her sign the poster we got for buying VIP (a large version of her "Plague Rat" painting) and as we were posing for the photo of us together, she groped around my chest area for a bit before finally deciding on her usual rat hands for the photo.
We (my roommate and I) wandered over to the souvenir booth after the VIP session. She bought a messenger bag that features the cover from "4 o'clock" and I bought a poster that says "Rats aren't creepy. Experimenting on them is." and has Emilie with her two rats. Finally, we were allowed to go to the floor and find a place to wait for the show to begin. We found ourselves a nice spot right against the stage by the monitors on the right side.
Show started late, but gods! it was worth it. My highlights? Captain Maggot stabbed me with her cutlass (I 'died' into the crowd) and then I had to actually put some effort into not touching her breast while she was crowd surfing and guided her safely back onto the stage, Blessed Contessa looked and pointed straight at me while licking a 'cleaver' in her suggestive cannibalistic way, Naughty Veronica drove me mad by blowing me a kiss and winking at me several times and then feeding me a cookie with her mouth (she was licking the cookies, then rubbing them down her body VERY suggestively before throwing them to the crowd... except mine which she put in her mouth and bent over to feed me. So. Hot.), and dear dear (so sick) Emilie touched my hand many times while singing - even held her hand with her fingers between mine for about a minute during one song. Call me an adorable fan girl, but ye gods was I happy. I also had tea spat upon me, muffin crumbled over me, glitter in my hair and all the usual Crumpet goodness that comes with an EA show.
It was a fantastic night, even if poor EA wasn't at her best. She kept apologizing for her voice but said that we were worth the pain she was in by singing. From her twitter: "Practically laid down my silly little life on stage last night in Montreal, collapsed half dead after exiting stage, but it was so worth it!"
For anyone curious to see it, most of the concert can be caught on Youtube
over here. I'm in a red top hat, if you can see me at all... doubt it. I'm short!