Title: Billy's Turn
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Never, ever happened.
Notes: Inspired by Dom's fan club interview in which he lists his eighteen favorite things about Billy. Written for my muse and sounding board,
stpsjewel, who requested a fic in which there was adoration of Dom's nose. Because, y'know, it really is adorable.
"Okay, Billy," the interviewer said, "Dominic wants to know what your favorite things about him are."
Billy groaned and dropped his head into his hands. From behind him, Dominic laughed.
"I should have known that would come back to bite me," he said, turning around to glare at Dominic, who gave him an innocent smile. "How many?"
"As many as you can think of, mate," Dominic said with a chuckle.
"Right then." Billy nodded. "Well...let's see. Number one...his nose, definitely. It's a ridiculous-looking nose, really, but for some reason it's adorable."
Sighing, Billy continued, "I suppose number two would have to be his ability to turn my vocabulary into that of a fourteen-year-old girl's.
"Three...when we were in New Zealand, he was always coming up with something new to do. He's very spontaneous, which is great, because I'm...well, not, a lot of the time. He was always dragging me off to one place or another, and it was usually a lot of fun.
"Four...he's a really caring guy. He's always there when you need him. He and Sean Astin were sort of the ones people went to when they had a problem.
"Five...his hands. He's got," Billy chuckled softly, "really amazing hands. They're strong and firm and, you know, usually a billboard for whatever cause he's currently pursuing.
"Six, then, would have to be that he's incredibly passionate. He'll get into something - like the Carbon Neutral thing that he's doing now - and he'll completely throw himself into it. It's really inspiring.
"Seven...he dresses like a total idiot a lot of the time. It's great. Makes me look put-together when we go out.
"Eight...he's really sensitive. He's going to kill me later, but...I've seen him tear up a few times at movies. He's not afraid to show that something moves him.
"Nine...he's got really, really incredible eyes. I've heard people compare Elijah's eyes to the ocean, but Dommie's, I think, really fit the description better. They'll be stormy and grey one minute and sort of deep blue the next, depending on what his mood is.
"Ten...he has a very expressive face. It's easy to tell how he's feeling, or if he's lying - which makes playing cards with him great!
"Eleven...he has a really strong sense of loyalty. Above and beyond what you'd usually find in a friend.
"Twelve...fantastic laugh.
"Thirteen...when we were shooting, we'd have times where they were fixing things and we'd have to stay on set, and Dom was always thinking up ways to keep us occupied. I'm sure you've heard the Tig story before - stuff like that. Really stupid things, but it kept us from being bored.
"Fourteen...he's a complete child sometimes."
Dominic snorted indignantly, and Billy hastily continued, "No, I mean it in a good way! I remember one time, he and Elijah and I went to this toy shop in LA, and Dommie just raced around picking up things and saying 'Billy, isn't this great, isn't this fantastic?' He gets excited really easily, and he's got so much...just enthusiasm for life.
"Fifteen...well, I know he said this about me, but it goes both ways - he's gotten me into several bands that I've really enjoyed. He's got great taste in music.
"Sixteen...he kicks my ass at Trivial Pursuit. He has this huge store of absolutely useless knowledge that I find fascinating.
"Seventeen..." Billy turned a faint shade of red. "Ah, well, no, I won't say that...um, he's really great with kids. I can see him being an excellent father someday."
The interviewer smiled. "Okay, how about one more to make it even with Dom's list, and then we'll finish the rest of the interview?"
Billy nodded. "Right. Well, there's this one distinct memory I have from sort of early on in filming - it was maybe two weeks or so in, and we had been shooting all day, and Dom and I were both absolutely exhausted, but we were also too sort of...keyed up to go to sleep. So we went for a walk at one in the morning and ended up on this hill not too far away from our trailer. And we just sat there for hours, talking and getting to know each other, and I told him...a lot of things that I'd never really told anyone else. He's just...Dom's really easy to talk to and you feel immediately as though you can trust him. And mind you, Peter was furious when we stumbled in the next day, half-dead from lack of sleep, but it was worth it. I think that was the first night I really started thinking of him as my best friend."
"Excellent," the interviewer said, nodding. "Now, what have you been doing lately with..."
Dominic smiled as they got into the car.
"You like my nose?"
"Of course, you idiot. It's what made me fall in love with you in the first place."
Dom looked at him in surprise. "It was?"
"Yeah," Billy responded. "D'you remember that time you and Elwood and Astin and I went out for ice cream?"
"When we nearly got kicked out?"
"Yeah. You got vanilla ice cream on your nose and you looked fucking ridiculous, and..." Billy trailed off. "I don't know. Made me realize I was in love with you."
He snorted. "Of course, that's what you'd focu-mmph!" Dominic's lips on his own cut him off.
"Mmm," he said, breaking away, "you know, I wanted to put your lips on that list, but I didn't think it would fit in well with the 'Friendly Heterosexual Hobbits' image they're so keen on us having."
Dominic laughed. "Probably not."
After a few moments, he spoke up again.
"What was seventeen?"
"Oh," Billy grinned. "Funny, I don't remember. I know it involved your lips, though. And ice cream, come to think of it."
Dominic raised one eyebrow suggestively. "I suppose," he said in a low voice, "I'll have to remind you, then?"
Billy grinned again. "I suppose you will."