Suggestion: Desktop Camlis0311July 25 2004, 19:19:02 UTC
I was also thinking of putting a desktop cam, which is a picture of what my current computer desktop looks like. I always thought these were cool because it not only inspires me to come up with a creative scheme, but it may inspire others to customize their own (I know i became motivated to do this through Taylor and Kitta
Suggestion: Linkslis0311July 25 2004, 19:19:34 UTC
As far as links, generally they can be divided into friends' weblogs and just random cool stuff you find on the web. For friends' weblogs, I generally keep those on the left sidebar; however, livejournal (for some weird reason) only allows five links in that section. Because of this, I am seriously limited to whose weblogs I link to through there. However, in the featured content page, I could put a (nearly) unlimited number of links. This sounds a bit more appealling.. plus, instead of being located farther down the side of the page, it'll be way at top.
For random cool links, I strongly suggest Linkpool for finding cool stuff like that. Whenever I find something interesting online, rather than posting it independently and getting hardly any traffic to the site, linkpool provides a much wider target. Plus, you get to see what other people find interesting as well. : )
Suggestion: Quoteslis0311July 25 2004, 19:25:41 UTC
I have taken a lot of ideas from Kitta's website.. I really hope she doesn't mind too much. I mean, she's a great web designer, and well, I guess it doesn't hurt that I am inspired by her, especially if I give her the credit she deserves.
With that said, Kitta has a Quote feature on her page with a random quote.. This could be cool to update with either famous quotes, obscure quotes, or quotes from my friends... Or maybe I could include all three!
Suggestion: Currently Reading/Listeninglis0311July 25 2004, 19:28:26 UTC
Kitta also has a cool feature about what she's currently reading and listening to. I don't really read too much :S but maybe a feature like that will motivate me to finish reading a few books I put down such a long time ago ; )
Posting what I'm currently listening to, i think, would be awesome.. It gives people a chance to not just hear the song I was listening to during a particular post, but a series of albums that I listen to often enough to recommend.
Comments 11
Since there is already a picture of me in the top corner, I can refrain from adding a "webcam."
However, I thought it would be cool to put a random picture I managed to take that day/week/month/etc. Any ideas for what this feature can be called?
For random cool links, I strongly suggest Linkpool for finding cool stuff like that. Whenever I find something interesting online, rather than posting it independently and getting hardly any traffic to the site, linkpool provides a much wider target. Plus, you get to see what other people find interesting as well. : )
With that said, Kitta has a Quote feature on her page with a random quote.. This could be cool to update with either famous quotes, obscure quotes, or quotes from my friends... Or maybe I could include all three!
Posting what I'm currently listening to, i think, would be awesome.. It gives people a chance to not just hear the song I was listening to during a particular post, but a series of albums that I listen to often enough to recommend.
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