If you use, PLEASE credit me in your user info & comment here. I'd really appreciate it.
ETA: I didn't think that many people were going to use it. LOL. So you're willing to use my server but if you could, i'd be really appreciative if you'd upload it to your own server.
Edit: I changed some of the moods around. Nothing major I just wanted to revamp it. (8/31/04)
Here's a zip folder of all of the moods. [
mood zip]
Okay. I'm using the instructions written by
1. Download this text file (right click, save as) and save it somewhere where you can easily find it.
http://home.comcast.net/~lisa0810/ashlee.txt 2. Go here:
http://www.livejournal.com/admin/console/ 3. In the box, enter moodtheme_create "ashlee" "ashlee" and then click "execute".
4. The next page says, "Success. Your new moodthemeid=#." This number is very important, so write it down somewhere. Don't close this window because you'll need it later.
5. Open ashlee.txt in Word or Notepad.
6. Use the find/replace feature to change all the "45652"s to the number you wrote down. If you don't understand how to do that, just change them all one by one.
7. Go back to the browser window you left open. In the box under where it gave you your mood icon set number, copy and paste all the codes from fergie.txt. (remember that all the 45652s should be changed to your number). Click "execute".
8. If you did everything correctly the page should say, "Data Inserted" over and over. If something went wrong, it'll say, "Failed! You do not own this theme!" This just means somewhere down the line you've screwed up - go and start from the beginning.
9. Now that you've got your new mood theme all inserted and such, you should go to
http://www.livejournal.com/modify.bml 10. In the drop down menu where you usually pick your mood theme, choose "ashlee". It's at the end of the list.
11. Click "Save Changes".