
Nov 23, 2004 17:20

Just did a major friends cut. I went from 124 to 77 people. Eeek. So. A couple of people haven't updated in a while and a couple I felt like I didn't know you very well. Whatever. If I cut you and you want to stay, let me know.

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Comments 10

stefferz November 23 2004, 14:44:51 UTC
you didn't cut me ;x <3


stefferz November 23 2004, 14:45:50 UTC
actually maybe you did. nevermind. rofl


luvinjcnjt November 23 2004, 14:56:26 UTC
I'd like to stay please :)


prettyinpink336 November 23 2004, 16:02:29 UTC
yay! I stayed :o)


shaydy_lane November 24 2004, 09:25:15 UTC
you should have seen me!! LOL...I wasn't logged in and I was like "OH NO...Lisa Cut me...=(" I was all teary eyed...because you rock and I love you! LOL

Glad to see you let me stay...you're awesome and I love having you around! =D


n0bodys_purfect December 6 2004, 00:04:59 UTC
I know I said it wouldn't amtter if you cut me. But I lied. I'd liek to stay if it's possible.


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