Find a new place to live, with a nice big yard for Zoey to play in!
Hit up the church more often
Find a way to buy a good digital camera so I can take millions and millions of pictures
Take one or two fabulous vacations!
Starting with Las Vegas / LA in February, woot!
Play Bingo in Vegas
K-nit like my grammy taught me!
Find other old lady things to rock out -- perhaps baking cookies with Kt??
Sing often
Start paying student loans (boo), on time.
Look for a new car
Possibly get a new car
Make a new friend
Eat pancakes
Find someone who wants to cross country ski, and do it ... why not??
Hit up biolife more often
Redesign my resume and keep it up to date
Take a higher interest in the election
Play my guitar (more than once)
Not think about it
Not stress about it
Get over it, and be happy.
Be more social
Find a new hobby
Finish that darn recipe book
Finish a knitting project x3!
Blog more often
Enjoy Huhotting
Search for jobs to see whats out there
Look for a fabulous job for Duffel so she can come back!
Smile more often
Recycle that ridiculous amount of pop cans in our laundry room
Try to have a more positive outlook, like I used too.
Avoid design burnout
Find a new hobby to enjoy
Make better use of the public library
Get a good hair cut
Spend more time with my brothers
Or just my family in general, as well
Make more 100 lists, they're kind of fun
Back to points, back to points
Play softball!
Play volleyball!
Dance, just for fun!
Get along with my sister
Paint my nails
Pogo it up
Design something for fun!
Find a new website to love
Stop forgetting to eat when I'm on a roll
Get on a roll more often
Teach Tony how to drive my truck
Clean my truck!
Stop the procrastination ... or at least improve it!
Complain less
Eat a hamburger
Run a mile
Or two!
Or maybe even three in a row. Because, why not?
Buy new shoes
Enjoy being outside more often, especially when the weather is nice.
Do something nice for someone I don't know
Increase structure in my life
Stop saying YES to everyone/thing
Get better at making choices
Get more calcium
Improve my posture
Actually spend time IN a Java House ... NOT working
Go through and get rid of old clothes
Take more stuff to Stuff
Paint my nails
Learn a new photoshop technique
Recreate the playground photoshoot
Spend more time with friends
Teach Zoey a new trick x3!
Maybe take her to another dog class?
Make something by hand ... without a computer!
Write an actual letter
Get better at eye contact
Say thank you more often
Buy Zoey a new toy
Have a better year than 2007
Create a new 100 list for 2009
Wow, this list was a lot harder. I'm going to link to it in the sidebar, and cross things off as I go, so keep me accountable, and wish me luck! ;-) Happy New Year!