(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 22:58

Too many things are happening to tell, so I opt to say nothing.

Except in real life where I say too much, except at work,
I never talk at work, I think Nicole is pitying me, though.
Today Erica told me the only reason I talk to her is to feed my ego.
Ashley's birthday Friday, no idea what to get her, she's completely rich and buys everything she wants.
I went to out local christian music store and asked the Colin from Stereotrapp, who works there, if they had some things in. They didn't but he was like "Hey! I remember Pedro the Lion."
You see no one in Saskatoon listens to good music, at least none I talk to maybe a few but I name-drop all the time. I was talking to this guy from Australia yesterday and he was asking me if I knew where Brisbane was, I said that the only thing I really knew about Australia was it's rep as the Vines' home.
He asked me who they were, so I know that we are not kindred.
Melissa on the other hand totally jumped on Interpol, and we immediatly exchanged all favorite bands movies and books.
Which reminds me, Colin, who sits beside me in biology, dressed up as Alex from A Clockwork Orange it took me a minute to catch on(I had to see the eyelashes) but then i jumped and said OMG YOU'RE THAT GUY!!!! I took a picture of him for the yearbook, and I was quite impressed with my skills.
Speaking of skills of mine, I won a tshirt playing DDR at the Pumpkin Smash,where Sols band was playing. I met a new friend, and beat him really badly at DDR, then I also beat the guy who was running the booth.
Mad Skillz.

On the other hand school sucks, but with that I can deal because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep those marks that high all semester.
Bought Up the Bracket on Friday because it lowered the price of the Strokes thing I was getting, but I forgot all the CDs I had really wanted and could only remeber one I kind of wanted.
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