[series]: BLEACH
[character]: Nelliel Tu Oderschvank
[character history / background]:
http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Nelliel_Tu_Oderschvank[character abilities]:
From the above link:
Child Form:
Healing Vomit: She also has the ability to heal others with her vomit (which has a similar appearance to saliva, leading to her believing so when as a child).
Cero Doble: A unique ability to swallow enemy attacks and fire them back with a more powerful force exceeding that of the original hit, indicated by the eyes on her skull mask glowing, although using it seems to exhaust her.
Rudimentary Sonido: She is able to accelerate her movements with what seems to be a rudimentary form of Sonído, which she refers to as "Chouka Soku" ("Super Speed"). When she uses this sonido form, her mask's eyes glow.
Original Form:
In her original form, she carries a zanpakutō. Despite her dislike of violence, as formerly the 3rd rank of an earlier generation of Espada, Nelliel's battle capabilities are understandably greater than that of other Arrancar outside of the said top ranks.
Master Swordsmanship Specialist: As a former Espada, Nelliel has plenty of experience at fighting, showing hardly any effort in her advanced use of swordsmanship. Her body flows elegantly when engaging in combat, so finely tuned that she can stop her attacks at a moment's notice and subsequently execute lethal attacks with absolute precision. She easily defeated Nnoitra a number of times, who is a highly proficient swordsman in his own right. In fact, despite Nnoitra's claim that the power levels of the current Espada surpasses the previous one and Nelliel's abilities had not fully recovered, his battle against her proved a losing one, and the only reason why he survived long enough (only to be cut down by Kenpachi later), was because Nelliel kept holding back in the entire battle and she reverted to her child form in the middle of the battle.
Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant Even without the aid of her Zanpakutō, Nelliel has shown herself to be a quite powerful fighter. During her battle against Nnoitra, she was shown able to skillfully dodge and counter his attacks. She has also shown using her swordsmanship in conjunction with her hand-to-hand combat.
Sonído Master: Her speed has greatly increased as well, fitting with her former position and was able to sneak up on Nnoitra with speed. She was also able to take the badly hurt Ichigo to a safer place during one of Nnoitra's attacks.
Cero: Like other Arrancar, she is able to fire a considerably powerful cero blast. She can fire it from her mouth. It is unknown if she can also use the Gran Rey Cero, due to her former rank as an Espada.
Cero Doble: She retains her attack absorption ability in her original form, but now performs it with greater ease. According to Nnoitra, Nelliel's specialty is to absorb an incoming cero and fire one of her own while returning it, thus creating a potent Cero Doble, (Spanish for "double zero"). While her child form severely limits her arrancar powers, she is still powerful enough to absorb and redirect a cero blast from a Privaron Espada-class arrancar in its released form, though the effort seems to tire her immediately. In her original form, the force(s) of the Cero Doble is augmented greatly, owing to the fact that she rebounds the attack while blending it with her own cero, drastically increasing its power, as befits the former third Espada.
Hierro: Nelliel, while in her original form, has hierro befitting the strength of an Espada. It is strong enough to allow Nelliel to counter Nnoitra's blade with a kick, and showing no signs of injury.
Enhanced Strength: Her strength is greatly increased, fitting with her former position. With her great physical strength, Nelliel is capable of fending off attacks from even gigantic weapons like Nnoitra's or launch her opponent several meters away with a single punch. She is also capable of stopping Nnoitra's Cero barehanded.
Immense Spiritual Power: Formerly being one of the top 3 members of the Espada, Nelliel may have been forbidden to release her Zanpakutō inside the dome of Las Noches. Nelliel has a grand amount of spiritual energy, powerful enough for her Fracción to sense it from a large distance. Renji even stated that her spiritual power was close to Ichigo's, confusing the two for a moment.
High Intellect: While in her original form, she is shown to be quite intelligent. Having a great understanding of combat and the forms, and methods behind an opponent's skill and intentions, she can discern personalities easily. She also has a philosophy on life that provides a code of honor, respect, and mercy. However, her child-like antics can sometimes block her intelligence, latching onto Ichigo, who was clearly injured, to the point where he passed out, then latched onto him again.
Gamuza (羚騎士 (ガミューサ), Gamyūsa; Spanish for "Chamois", Japanese for "Antelope Knight"): her Zanpakutō has a green sheath and a hilt shaped like two crescent moons joined together at each other's back (somewhat similar to Nnoitra's).
Nel in her released form
• Resurrección: its release command is "Declare" (謳え, utae). Nel holds her zanpakuto up in front of her horizontally and calls out its release command. The zanpakutō glows as a hazy smoke emanates from it. She calls out the name of her zanpakutō and the glow intensifies into a huge burst of spiritual energy that greatly effects the surrounding vicinity. In her new form, Nel takes the form of a brownish-green ibex-like centaur complete with a black horse's tail. Her hollow masks horns become longer and more curved and also extends slightly, framing the sides of her face, particularly the cheeks. The crack on her mask also closes up, although the missing teeth remain. Her shoulders are covered by armored white spaulders that come across the shoulder blade to the neck, she has white armored elbow guards and white armored gauntlets. The parts of the arm that aren't covered by armor are covered with a black material as well as her hands. There is a white armored ring at the base of her tail. Gamuza itself transforms into a double-sided lance.[2] She is one of the few Arrancar known to have a weapon after her release (the releases of most Arrancar de-materializes their weapons upon their true forms being unleashed). All these features grant her the overall appearance of a medieval knight or a jouster.
Nelliel using Lanzador Verde
Resurrección Special Ability: The only attack she has used in this form so far is Lanzador Verde. The full extent of Gamuza's abilities are still unknown.
• Enhanced Strength: While in her released form, her might increases further.
• Enhanced Spiritual Power: While in her released state, her spiritual power increases significantly.
• Lanzador Verde (翠の射槍 (ランサドール・ヴェルデ), ransadōru verude; Spanish for "Green Lancer", Japanese for "Green Spear of Morphism"): Nel throws her lance at her opponent with extreme speed. As it travels through the air, it begins to spin and build up spiritual energy. When it reaches its target, it acts as a drill inflicting extreme piercing damage. The technique is powerful enough to push back Nnoitra as well as break his Zanpakutō which he was using to block the attack. The name is also ironic since the lance, when thrown, emits violet energy in the anime.
[character personality]:
There are two sides to Nel - her child side and her adult side.
Generally, as a child, Nel is very innocent and at the same time very strange. She claims to be a masochist and has a habit of using “less-than-ladylike” language, as one person put it. At the same time she has her heart in the right place. Although easily frightened by those far stronger than her, she’s willing to throw herself in danger’s way to protect those she cares about and trusts.
Nel is easily trusting at times and can be extremely playful to points where it is almost dangerous to onlookers.
In her original form, before she was reduced to a small child, Nel is the sort of leader one would be honored to follow. Loyal, respectful, and trustworhy to a point she is extremely level-headed while fighting and quite humble at that. She wishes to avoid as much conflict as possible, stating that “if one's excuse for a battle is to fight out of hatred, prejudice, or simple competition, as Nnoitra does, then it is merely instinctual and animalistic, and that it makes the challenger look ‘childish’, ‘unworthy’, and ‘not much of a warrior’”.
While humble in her fighting she is also merciful, refusing to finish off her opponent if it is obvious that they will not win or are unable to fight. It is because of these aspects that her Fraccion are very loyal to her. She is also seems to retain a bit of her childish aspects as well, concerning Ichigo, when she runs to give him a bear-hug at one point. As well as humorous, she is also compassionate towards friends and fairly easy going.
[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: Ch. 290 - Just before she changes back to her adult form.