Title: One Mile to Every Inch of Your Skin
Pairing: Harry/Zayn
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It’s become this thing, Harry exploring any patch of skin he can get his hands on, Zayn letting him.
Author's Notes: PWP. Not sure where this came from, tbh. Unbetaed. All mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: Not real, don't own them, etc.
They’re in the middle of an interview when Harry grabs Zayn’s wrist... )
Comments 19
“Can I?” he asks.
Zayn tilts his head, bares as much skin as he can, and when Harry’s hand comes down its Zayn’s breathing that goes uneven.
Zayn sits still, lets Harry touch. He drags his knuckles down the column of Zayn’s throat, cups his hand over the angle of his jaw, thumbs at the skin behind his ear. Zayn wants to ask what he’s doing, why he’s doing it, but he doesn’t want Harry to stop so he keeps his mouth shut.
Harry leans in, barely touches his lips to the hollow of Zayn’s throat. “Say something.”
“What do you want me to say?” Zayn asks.
Harry laughs and his breath puffs hot on Zayn’s skin.
“Wanted to see if I could feel it,” he explains before moving on to scrape his fingernails along Zayn’s collarbone where it’s sticking out of his shirt.
Favourite part. So much love for all of that.
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