I'd already made a bunch of tops from various SixSixSims outfits, but I got the idea from
bombardingsheep 's lovely
untucked tops to do a bunch more. Specifically, 101 of them. They are all made from full-body outfits by other creators. Most of these tops have been edited in some way - alphas fixed up, necklines altered to fit the top mesh, jewelry and nailpolish removed, and of course, they've all (but one) been untucked!
(By the way, the images may be blurry, but it's only because of resizing. The tops themselves are not blurry or low-quality).
/ˈlɪniɪdʒ/ [lin-ee-ij]
1. lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or extraction
2. the line of descendants of a particular ancestor; family; race.
1. pedigree, parentage, derivation, genealogy. 2. tribe, clan.
I always wondered why All-About-Style made some lovely maternity outfits and put them on high heeled meshes. Who would want to wear heels when they're nine months pregnant? I've also never seen many maternity tops that are actually separates, which is a shame since
Aquilegia fixed the pregmorph on HP's untuckable top mesh.
(I don't know why the sim in the picture has a line at her waist - I'm think it's the bottom mesh, not the top, but I haven't checked).
Tooltipped, clearly named, and compressed
This set is adults-only. I don't normally play teen pregnancies, and there's no top mesh for teens that has a working pregmorph, so I can't see a need for these tops for teens.
The fixed mesh by Aquilegia (HP's untuckable top mesh) is included.
All-About-Style for the textures.
Hysterical Paroxsym for the original untuckable top mesh.
Aquilegia for the fixed mesh.
/ˈtrɛʒər/ [trezh-er]
1.wealth or riches stored or accumulated, esp. in the form of precious metals, money, jewels, or plate.
2.wealth, rich materials, or valuable things.
3.any thing or person greatly valued or highly prized
This set is also for adults only because the mesh is adults only. It's on Tantra's mesh 19, and is based on some beautiful outfits by confide and All-About-Style. Again, the outfit meshes made no sense because these sweaters were originally paired with shorts. Now your sims can wear them with more weather-appropriate clothing!
Tooltipped, clearly named, and compressed
The mesh is included.
All-About-Style and
confide@TSR for the textures.
Tantra for the mesh.
1.the act or process of fusing; the state of being fused.
2.that which is fused; the result of fusing
"Fusion" is 47 tops for teen and adult females, and each one is taken from a full-body outfit that I liked but wanted as a top. I'm sorry about the picture not being labeled, but I couldn't stand to label all 47 tops individually.
Tooltipped, clearly named, and compressed
fixed meshes by Aquilegia (HP's untuckable top mesh, and migamoo's untucked teen top) are included.
The teen set is referenced to the adult set, which means that you NEED to have the adult set in your downloads folder, or you will get nude flesh-skinned tops.
All credit for the textures goes to the following creators:
bailielizabeth@MTS2, Boutique Emilie (dead site - most of her downloads are at
MTS2, but you can find some extras at
the Graveyard,
bruno@MTS2 (and
Fawkes' edit of bruno's textures), ClosetFusion (dead site - there are a few downloads at
the Graveyard, but more can be found at my
mediafire ,
Gelydh, inbeatz (dead site - go to
JustSims2 to find her stuff),
simplicist ,
sims2fog, SoundBeat (dead site - go to
the Graveyard), and Vivi (
vivi-nousi at MTS2,and Vanilla Femme - this site is dead, so go to
my mediafire or
SimsCave). I also used Aquilegia's
linen overlay, and
needlecream's shading on one top (from
*Note: I don't have permission from a lot of the creators to upload these, but I figured since most of them are not making Sims 2 content anymore, it would be okay. If it's not, please tell me. Also, I think I credited everyone I need to, but tell me if I missed anyone (I didn't provide links to HP and migamoo's meshes because everyone probably has these meshes already).
Also, Aquilegia for the fixed HP and migamoo meshes.
Download TF Fusion!Download AF Fusion! Some picspam: