I remember when
Home Alone came out. I thought it was funny and liked it, my mom...umm, not so much. Anyway, since this movie has come out it has become a favourite on TV so you're bound to watch it anyway this holiday season.
The other day I went to a used book store and found a Christmas book I had never heard of. I bought it (started reading it to see if I should put it on this list, haven't finished yet) and looked the book up on Amazon. Oh hey! This author wrote a book before this one, and look, a crap load more of Christmas books! So it looks like there might be enough books for the rest of the countdown. Word of warning though, I will have not read these stories but will try to keep to highly rated ones. I make no promises on how good these stories actually are.
The first book I found today is actually an old book written in 1939 but has since been reprinted. "
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus" by Julie Lane is marketed for the kid crowd, but from what I've read in reviews, all ages will enjoy this lovely book.
Yes, another Neil Diamond song. Deal with it :-P
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I wanted to avoid this song, but it's kind of a kid post so...
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Craft and Recipe
I've been debating on whether or not to put this recipe up. For one, it's not really baking. For another, it's so damn good that I might get angry emails about how much weight people gained. I will chance the hate. I know, another Paula Deen recipe, but dude, she makes gooooooood stuff and her "
Peppermint Bark is no exception. Just don't come complaining to me that your clothes don't fit anymore.
You know, those front windows look a little bare. How about
this little painting project. Fun for the whole family!... or a start of a new career, you never know.
Today's fic is from Guiding Light taking place at Francesca's first Christmas. I LOVE Natalia in this one. "
Best Laid Plans" by chylybyn is wonderful, go read it now!